Mission Briefings

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George's POV

The elevator door opens and I walk out to see Ozpin talking to a holographic screen version of Ironwood.

"I had both Shnee's it, but we cant find out how to activate or disperse the Glyph, it's like its waiting... both say it looks like a step on Glyph, but a certain person could be the trigger, I'd like to say I feel ok about this... but I don't know who the trigger is" Said James, "its fine, just keep looking and running test, Ill send more assistance soon, Good Day James" said Opzin as he closed his Link.

Then he turned to me with a smile, "something got you all riled up, Professor ?" I asked as I took a seat in front of his desk, He signed, "I will be sending you to Atlas to help assist with the Glyph, since they are having a hard time with it".

"I figured you do that, I'm going to take a long shot and say you think I can set it off, right ?" I asked, he smiled and replied "do you blame me for thinking that ?, and team Rwby will go there to assist, well, Ruby, Blake and Yang will since Weiss is already there" he said with a smile the whole time.

"I don't blame on the count of what we have been through these last few years, including war, me dying several times, hosting a God in my body, fighting and defeated another God, a couple of criminals and making a terrorist organization start a a peace full chapter but I do hope you are not right, I Think I've been through enough for several lifetime, despite me also having few, literally" I said.

After getting the necessary info, I nodded and headed back to the teachers lounge, but as I'm about to enter the elevator, Ozpin said "Please tell Kyle to stop running about, the school may not last any longer if Nora keeps breaking the walls" he said with a smirk, "I think the school can handle it, and I'm am not going near Nora, I will get Ren to do it, since she wouldn't hit him... I think" I say and press the button.

Third person POV

Ozpin waits till the doors close, "do you really think he is the key to the Glyph ?" Asked Ironwood, as the holographic projection reactivated, "like I told him, do you blame me for thinking its a possibility" Ozpin replied.


After George tried, and failed multiple times to stop Nora from killing Kyle (flattened a good portion of the school and getting blown through a wall into the staff kitchen from Nora's grenade launcher) George saw Ren, and after a quick explanation, Ren sighed and used a pan and made Pancakes.

The door flew open as kyle crawled back, whilst staring in fear as Nora slowly followed, a crazed smile on her face as she switched her weapon back to hammer form.

Kyle stopped as his back hit the wall, Nora raised her hammer and it cracked into the floor between his legs...a hairs width from his jewels, George grabbed his nuts in fear and pain, Kyle couldn't move, fear about his imminent death and the pain that will follows makes him hold still.

Nora raised her hammer again one more time, but as she brings it down, she stops, the head of the hammer was an inch about Kyle's nuts.

He nearly fainted and sighed with relief, as Nora sniffs the air and turns to Ren and George with a smiley face, "PANCAKES !!!" She says and throws her hammer to the side, and eats Ren's pancakes happily, as if nothing was wrong.

George walked out and gave Kyle the thumbs up, he did the same... as he crawled on his belly, moving slowly away from the beast, that was Nora.


George stepped onto the Bulkhead, turned and waved to Ruby Yang and Blake, they smiled, knowing he was going to atlas, Weiss was there so he would be fine, and George promised to go on holiday with them when he comes back.

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