chapter three

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jealous reddie (eddie version)

i think this is what people call a headcanon? i don't know lol

creds to @asthmaqueeneddie on tumblr

pairing: reddie (richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak)


-so eddie, alternatively to richie's reaction, never noticed when people were flirting with richie

-because richie (eventually) became the guy everyone kinda knows

-he's the guy that everyone goes to for a laugh when they're down or real good insult to throw back at a bully

-and yeah eddie came out through puberty real well but holy shit

-i don't care what anybody says, richie comes out of puberty tall and hot as fuck

-he wears band t-shirts and ripped jeans and leather and only wears his nerdy glasses when he's too tired to put his contacts in and his hair oh my god his hair gets so freaking curly i'm gonna commit

-so all the girls eventually start swooning and giving richie their phone numbers and he's sorta uncomfortable by it because hello he's in a comitted relationship but at the same time it makes him feel kinda good that he's being noticed

-stan points it out to eddie one day

-"you know julie's been flirting with him all year right?"

-"what? no they're just friends"

-"yeah...but she wants to fuck's public knowledge eddie"

-so he asks around and sure enough, julie whoever/the/fuck is trying to steal richie right out from under him

-and it's not JUST julie it's sara and maxine and olivia and beth and blah blah blah

-at first eddie's mad because how could richie willingly let girls flirt with him

-and then that anger turns into worry because richie is a raging bisexual so not only is he self-conscious when guys flirt with richie but girls too

-and eventually he just gets sad because he already doesn't think he's good enough for richie and knowing that this girl is so close to taking away the love of his life just breaks his heart

-so he starts avoiding richie but the trashmouth won't let that because he's been abandoned by too many people in his life and he'll be damned if eddie becomes another

-"what did i do, eds? why are you so mad at me?"

- "i'm not mad at you, rich. it's not your fault."

-"no. we're not fucking doing this. you're not just gonna ignore me even though i did nothing wrong. we're gonna talk about it rationally or we're gonna end up fighting. one way or another, you're not leaving."

-so they talk a little, and fight a little...

-"so you think just because some random chick wants to profess her love for me means that i immediately feel the same way?"

-"i don't know, do you?"

-"i barely know her, eddie!"

-and eventually eddie's nerves are soothed because richie tells him the same stuff he's told him a million times before

-that he loves him, and just him, and that nothing could ever come between that or get in the way

-but that doesn't mean eddie isn't still a little jealous shit and won't be all over his precious trashmouth whenever he sees someone flirting with him

-after this whole thing it's like he's got tunnel vision

-he can sense a desperate girl from a mile away

-so immediately he struts over with his tight pants and starts hanging all over richie

-and he flirts and teases but not so much that richie would be mad that he can't finish what he started

-mostly just like neck kisses and a tiny itty bitty absolutely minute bit of hair pulling (a LITTLE bit)

-eddie's a sassy bitch are we surprised

-i'm not

richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now