
10 1 1

This is a one shot.

Therefore it is a one chapter story that will not have a sequel.

Now lets carry on shall we?


❝It's okay little blue❞

❝I trust you Harry❞


Or the story where Harry and Louis meet through friends and Harry wants to have his way with things.✧


This one shot will include the following:

-Daddy Kink

-Light BDSM


-Over stimulation

-Some typos deal with it sweetcheeks

If you are uncomfortable with any of the mentioned subjects please find another story.


Louis will be 20 and Harry 25.


This is top Harry bottom Louis.


And let's start this story!!

started: November 2nd, 2017
completed: --

little blue ❣ stylinson oneshotDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora