Tied To Him By An Arranged Marriage

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"mom please, you cant do this to me" i begged with tears in my eyes threaten to fall. " i'm your only daughter. you want me to be happy right? i f you do please dont do this to me"

"dad" i plead hoping he would change his mind and tell mom not to tear my heart

"baby girl as your parents we love you very much. we dont know what to do without you. sorry but this has to happen its a tradition and you know this. it has to happen sooner or later anyways so why not now. im sure that guy would make you happy."

"liars!"  i screamed tears flowing down my face " if you guys love me you wouldnt break me and Mike apart. i thought you guys liked him. mom dad we've dated for 2 years, i love him and you guys knw damn well. no way in hell would i ever be happy with some one i dont love."

"you-" my mom startd with guilt in her eyes. my parents always let me make a decision, now there forcing me? 

"and dont you dare tell me i'll eventually learn to love him cuz i wont. not now not ever!" i choked out

i'm sorry baby girl it has to happen. it will help our company. you have no say in this. i'm sorry" y mom sad coldly

"you guys are so selfish! selling me off so the company is more successful than it already is? mom , dad it's world wides 2nd biggest and most flourished company what else do you guys need you already have everything in the world! even the president has ot bow down to you/" i bellowed angrily

"Yuki! thats no way to talk to your mother. go up to your room now. you are banned from your horse" he said calmly. how could he? my horse is my baby he knew that he cant ban me from fireball.

fireball is a reddish chestnut brown horse with a black mane and tail. he has a beautiful white strip between ihs eyes. i got him when i was 6. he grew up with me. my bestfriend that would listen to my feelings and never tell my secrets

" i hate you guys!" i screamed in fustration and stomped up the stairs to my all blue bedroom. ranging from baby blue to midnight blue. i slammed the door so hard. im suprised the hindges didnt fall off.

i will find a way to get out of this marriage. even if i have to ruin my dads business......


so how was the first chapter? good? bad? ok? horrible? awesome? i uploaded the next chapter in case this wasnt enough to judge

Thanks for reading!





I LURV YOU <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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