My Misery

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Hye! I am back with my one-shot fic of Ed, Edd and Eddy. These scenes were actually possible fillers from my on-going fic called Silent Screams. I just didn't know if I could insert them so I made a decision to compile them and make it a one-fic story. So I hope you like it. This is so typical but anyway...

Note: There will be two POVs in this fic. Edd and Kevin of course. If you reach the (xxx) mark, it means the POV will change to the other.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ed, Edd and Eddy and never ever will.

My Misery

Typical Story: Kevin was contemplating on which to choose; His reputation or his dorky boyfriend.

Just know that I'll make you hurt,
(I miss the lies and the pain what you did to me)
When you tell me you'll make it worse
(I'd rather fight all night than watch the TV)
I hate that feelin inside
You tell me how hard you'll try
But when we're at our worst
I miss the misery

~ I Miss  My Misery - Halestorm ~

"Are you guys insane!"

The moment I heard those four words that came to his lips, I knew that they wouldn't bring any good. The other jocks wouldn't know but I noticed how stiff his shoulders were. Even his voice sounded tense with the evidence that he didn't want to reveal something in front of his friends. The four corners of the locker room were making the sound coming from the jocks bounce back and forth between them.

But I refused to listen to the sound around me. Instead, the voice of my secret boyfriend of four months was more audible to my sensitive ears. His back was facing me and he was facing his friends. They were wearing confused faces as he tried reasoning to them. I was totally out in the picture and I knew that my heart wouldn't stop beating rapidly.

"Where did you get that idea from?"

His words cut me from my own thoughts. The atmosphere was getting tense and I could see it from my boyfriend's body.

"Dude, calm down. Why are you so being offensive?" I heard one of the jocks asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? You're accusing me of being a queer! I can't believe you guys!"

"We didn't say that, Kevin," The jock said with a firm tone, "No need to be rude!"

"I wouldn't be if you didn't joke about us being boyfriends," He said and to my surprise, he pointed at me without actually looking at me, "That's ridiculous!"

His words literally broke my heart into pieces. I didn't know how in the world I managed to mask my feelings to them.

"Okay, if you say so," His friend said before looking at me. Mustering the courage, I was able to nod at him. I didn't dare to open my mouth. It would only tremble if I did.

"Don't ask me that ever again."

The next thing I knew, Kevin was pulling me out of the locker room. For how he did that, I had no idea. I found myself standing in an empty classroom and I never had any recollection of walking my way in the area.

"This isn't working."

His voice caught my attention. I looked up and stared at his back just like how I stared at his back in the locker room, "What do you mean?"

"Us!" He spun facing me. His expression was disoriented, "Let's stop this!"

My eyes widened when he said that. I didn't like the idea where he wanted us going to, "K-Kevin, I don't understand. Can you please elaborate--"

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