Ponyboy Imagine

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"C'mon Pony lets go" I smiled grabbing Ponyboy's hand and leading him out the front door. He laughed and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together as we made our way down the road. Me and Ponyboy had been dating for a couple months now and I couldn't have been happier he was everything that I wanted in a guy to most people Pony comes off shy and reserved but once you get to know him he opens up and is a real sweetheart.

"Race you!" Pony yelled unlocking our fingers and running toward the lot as it came into view I laughed and chased after him knowing I'd never beat him there cause he does track and I do snacks. I finally reached Pony already stretched out on a picnic blanket and gazing into the horizon this was something that Pony and I did often we just kinda connected through sunsets and no one really understood it but us but we never minded. "C'mon Y/N it's starting" Pony said looking up at me with those gorgeous gray eyes and that outstanding smile while patting the blanket next to him. I sat down and leaned my head against his shoulder, folding my arms across my chest, Pony swinging his arm around my shoulders as the first shades of pink and orange were visible across the sky. "Pony?" I asked looking up at him, "Yea?" He said looking down to meet my gaze, "What does a sunset mean to you?" I didn't think I had ever asked him that question before and to be honest I was a little curious at his answer.

"To me it symbolizes a kinda hope for tomorrow y'know? Like it's something to look forward too the next day and no matter what happens the day can end beautifully" Pony said his eyes twinkling and his smile breathtaking. "That was beautiful Pony. You wanna know something?" My eyes hadn't left his the whole time and I wasn't about to look away now, "Yea what's up?" Pony asked looking me dead in the eyes, "You're my sunset" I said smiling looking into his eyes. He smiled and blushed as I turned my attention back to the sunset just in time to see all the colors intermixed into one and the sun duck down behind the horizon, "Beautiful" I said mesmerized not taking my eyes off the sky. "I know" Pony said next to me, "I think that's one of the prettiest I've ever seen" I said turning back to Pony, "I wasn't talking about the sunset" Pony said looking at me. I looked at him confused. He chuckled a little at my confused face, "I was talking about you" he said, "You wanna know something?" He spoke leaning in I slowly nodded not being able to take my eyes off him. "You're my sunset too" he said as he leaned in further gently pressing his lips to mine. That is something that I always loved about Pony is that you could feel the love throughout his whole body whether that would be just holding his hand or hearing him speak and his kisses were no exception they were gentle but sweet. We pulled apart looking at each other and blushing as we lay down on the blanket gazing up at the stars that now covered the sky. We lay there silent for a long time just looking at the stars and enjoying the peaceful silence and I smiled knowing that I lay next to the boy I loved.

A/N: Hey everyone so I made some changes and I decided to start writing some imagines and this was my first one. I hope you like it this was actually my first imagine ever so if it's a little rough I apologize but I hope to write more and update faster its just schools been kind of a pain lately anyway I also want to thank you guys for over 400 reads that is really amazing to me! Love you guys Stay Gold!💛

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