Long time no see!!!

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Hey guys I'm back! First off I want to thank you guys so much for hitting 3k reads!!!! It feels like it's been forever since I've worked on this story and account. I've since made a new account and will use that more
frequently than this one so go check that out please. So I know it's probably unwanted but I'm just going to give you some of my life updates since the last time I saw you guys.

1. I'm 16 now🎉 (my b day was April 3)
2. I'm now a junior in high school and already on my 3rd week and I don't really like it that much tbh.
3. I still have my temps and am almost done working up to my license so look out drivers Grace is on the road!
4. I actually just went through a break up with my boyfriend but I'm doing fine.
5. And lastly, I've since discovered 2 new fandoms that I'm obsessed with now other than The Outsiders. It's AHS (American Horror Story) Evan Peters is just 😍, and MMFD (My Mad Fat Diary) which Nico Mirallegro is also just 😍😍 anyway if you haven't seen the shows I recommend you watch them cause they are amazing.

Anyway that's a little update from me I really missed you guys and I hope to start updating again more often or as often as I can. Thank you guys so much for reading and sticking around this long. Love you guys and Stay Gold!💛

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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