Chapter 11

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Cameron Dallas POV

Clark just said she would be my girlfriend. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world, but I am just so taken aback about what her dad did to her. How does someone do that? Or even justify hitting and beating on their daughter. I will never lay a hand on anyone, ESPECIALLY my girlfriend, future wife, or my children. You just don't do that. But something that has perked my curiosity is HOW Clark's mom had died. Was it because of her dad? I just have to know. Clark and I have been sitting on this hospital bed for about an hour since she told me what happened. She is laying on my chest when I decide to ask her about her mom.



"How did your mom die?"

"She fell down the stairs and broke her neck," but how she says fell, obviously she doesn't believe that's what happened.

"She didn't fall, did she?"

"No," she whispers.

"What happened?"

"My dad and her were fighting upstairs about I have no idea what. She told me to go to my room and wait for her. Whenever they fought she would tell me to go to my room and wait for her. She would give me a hug, a kiss, and told me she loved me with all her heart. I now know why she did that. It was because she didn't know if she would come back to my room and get me. And that day, she never did," she pauses for a moment and glances up at me. I can see the pain in her eyes. No one should ever have that look of pain.

"I went to my room like I was told and waited. I could hear them fighting, the hitting, and the screaming. Then I heard the tumble of her falling down the stairs and then a thud. I opened my door and saw my dad standing at the top of the stairs looking down. I walked over by him and saw her laying at the bottom, dead, with a pool of blood gathering at the base of her head. Then my dad said that it was my turn and walked away. I never even got to tell her I loved her one last time," she turns her head into my chest and slowly cries. Wow do I feel like an asshole for asking her about her mom.

"Sweetheart, your mom knew you loved her. She did everything she could to protect you, and from the sounds of it she did a great job while she was still alive. It's horrible that your mom had to go through that, but I think any mother would rather have themselves be in pain then their child. Clark, she did everything out of love. Your mom would be so proud that you have made it this far, and the fact you have Taylor. Just remember that," I state and pull her closer to me. I hate to see her cry, it breaks my heart.

"I just wish she was here," as she stops crying. Clark sits up and tries to wipe the tear from her face but it isn't working. I get off the bed and pull her to the edge. I then take the bottom of my shirt and turn it inside out to wipe off the tears from her face. She looks up at me and just hugs me. My heart melts.

"What time is it?" she says into my shirt as she is still hugging me. I pull out my phone and look.

"8:33pm, why?"

"What time is Magcon over?"

"It should be over at 10pm. Taylor said he would text me when he was coming back."

"Ok, I want to get out of here," she whines in a not annoying way, just desperate to get out.

"I know babe, just a few more hours," I answer as I get back on the bed. I pull her into me and rub her back until she falls asleep.

Taylor Caniff POV

I get back to Magcon about an hour and half after it starts. I went through the backroom and got behind the stage from there. I see Matt, Carter, and Tiffany by the stairs and walk over to them.

"How much have I missed?" I ask trying to be funny and attempting to hide my pain.

"What are you doing here? How's Clark?" Tiffany asks shocked because I am here.

"She's alive. She said to come to tell you guys she was ok. Clark had to get a blood transfusion and tons of stitches," I comment looking down.

"Hey, at least she is alive," Matt adds. I look up and I see Nash walking over to us with Hayes.

"Hey man, how is she doing?" Hayes questions.

"She's ok for getting her chest cut open."

"Taylor, why did you just let him leave after he cut her? Why didn't you let me call the cops?" Nash asks confused.

"Because calling the cops puts Clark in even more danger. Clark has told me she never wants to press charges, she is too scared, and can you blame her?"

"He is one of the reasons she was so scared in February when we meet her, huh? He did something to her, bad." Nash asks but he already knows the answer. I don't say a word.

"What are you talking about Nash?" Hayes protests.

"Don't you remember when Clark came with Taylor to the Bay Area for Magcon? And how she barely left his side, and when he had to go up on stage she was a nervous reck and could barely keep it togehter? Her dad did something to her. He killed her huh?" Hayes nods his head recalling the images from his brain. I can't just leave them hanging without saying anything. Besides Clark already said it, I am just the poor soul that gets to confirm it.

"Yes," I say trying really hard to hold back my tears.

"Did she ever tell you that something was going on with her dad?"

"It wasn't just her dad, but no, she never told me," I turn away because I can feel the tears coming. I still to this day can't believe she never told me what was going on. But how bad of a friend am I for never noticing. Clark told me everything when she woke up from dying. It kills me that I wasn't there to protect my best friend. Am I still a good enough friend?

"Man I didn't mean to make you cry," Nash says trying to give me a hug. I let him, but it's weird. I just want to go be with Clark, "you don't have to go up on stage today. We told the fans that alot happened and that you probably just need some time. They all understood, most of them saw, you know. They saw Clark standing in the lobby with the blood pooling at her feet. Everyone was freaked out that she died."

"As was I," letting go of Nash and looking out into the crowd. The night went on and ended. I can't really tell you what happened on stage because I wasn't paying attention. All I was thinking about was how I was needing to protect Clark for the time being and the time coming.

Sorry I didn't write yesterday, I was really tired and busy. This chapter isn't that great, I was distracted by everything going on with twitter and Megan Campbell. It's just so sad and horrible what happened. I didn't know her, and I am not going to pretend I did, but no one should have their life ripped out from under them. I have been crying for a better part of the night. I am just beside myself. #RIPMegan #RIPCampbellFamily

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