Ch. 4 Backstory

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"I wanna die and maybe die again" Toby said in shaky breaths he was crying again "There's no such thing as happiness right?"

Warning flash back betch:
"God dammit Toby why can't you be like your older sister" yelled Toby's dad "...I hate you" Toby spat "Toby... I want you fucking gone!" Yelled his dad slapping Toby in the face "its good thing that were in a kitchen boy...cuz if you don't pack your things in the next two FUCKING DAYS I'M MURDER YOU!!!" yelled Toby's dad smacking his son to the ground

End of flashback.

Toby looked out the door and saw the light shining through window in the hallway.

A/N:Yeah sorry its kinda short
I'm kinda tired!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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