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Jiyong POV:

Angelica was recessitated and now all we could do was wait for her to regain consciousness. My members were weighed down with guilt and I was torn between resenting them for basically poisoning me against her and feeling guilty myself. I realized though I couldn't really resent them for anything, I was the one that turned my back on her despite the warning in my gut that something was wrong. I had no one to blame but myself. Work pulled us away from the hospital even though none of us could really focus. I had asked her nurses to call me with any updates. They promised they would and so we did our best to put it in the back of our minds the best we could and focus on our next album.

During recording 4 weeks later my cell rang. We paused so I could answer it. "Hello, is this Kwon Jiyong?" a woman's voice asked me. "Yes" I answered her. "This is the hospital, we were just calling to tell you that Angelica regained consciousness lastnight and she is doing well," the woman said and I started crying from relief and happiness. I thanked her and hurried back into the studio. "She woke up," I practically yelled from excitement. "Let's take a break and go see her," Taeyang said darting out of his chair and starting to gather his things. We all hurried to the hospital as it was close to the end of visiting hours. I t had been 4 weeks since I last saw her in the hospital since work and my schedules were so hectic and I couldn't wait to see her again.

The door to her room was closed as we approached. Out of respect I knocked. We waited a couple minutes before the door opened. Julie was standing there and though she had been smiling when she opened the door, it quickly vanished when she saw us and it was replaced with a very unfriendly look. "What do you guys want?" She asked making no effort to hide her anger. "We wanted to see Angelica," I said my happiness slowly diminishing. "Why?" she hissed hotly. "We have been so worried about her, we want to see her," I said looking down at my feet. Julie sighed and stepped aside pushing the door open. My eyes fell on Angelica who was sitting in bed and she looked so much better then she did when I last saw her. "Can we come in," I asked Angelica when she saw me. Her and Julie looked at each other and then she nodded. "I guess I will go and get a cup of coffee," Julie said before vanishing from the room.

The other guys hung back a bit and I approached her bed. "How are you feeling?" I asked her and stared at me blankly, I started to wonder if her head injury had caused some memory loss. "How am I? I was hit with a gun, gang raped, beaten within an inch of my life, gang raped again and then left for dead. The one man I thought who would never turn his back on me did. You just left me, taking a strangers word over mine. Yet, you have the fucking nerve to come here and ask how I am? Physically I am fine Jiyong, the rest of me however, wishes I had died. That way I wouldn't have to see you or your asshole friends again. Get the fuck out of my room, I don't want to hear you, I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to ever see you again." She said her voice raising in volume. "Please Angelica, let us please apologize to," TOP tried to say. "NO FUCK OFF, I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT. IVE SUFFERED ENOUGH IN MY LIFE I DONT NEED ANYMORE," she screamed lifting the glass flower vase filled with a pretty bouquet up from her table, my eyes went wide and the 5 of us backed towards the door. "GET THE FUCK OUT," she screamed tossing the vase in our direction. We made it out the door, the vase barely missing me as it smashed into the door as it closed behind us. We stood staring at her now closed door and saw Julie running towards the room hearing her friend in hysterics.

"Now what did you guys do to her? Can't you just leave her alone?" Julie asked us. "We just wanted to apologize to her" I said quietly fighting the tears away. "Oh, you're sorry huh? Despite how your friends tore her down and talked shit about her every chance they got she ignored it because she genuinely liked you. You may want to take him to get STD tested you know. She and him had unprotected sex so better make sure he doesn't have AIDS or something. You five can fuck right off," Julie said before hurrying into the room and shutting the door. All of us looked at each other and left.

*End Jiyong POV*
*Angelica POV*

I was discharged from the hospital finally after a couple more days and moved back in with Julie. I was home for about a week when YG himself called me to find out if I was still wanting to be in the company. I told him I needed time to think. He said it was fine and to call him when I had decided. I wanted to pursue my dream but staying at YG meant having to see Jiyong and the others again. I didn't know if I could be professional enough to put my issues with them on the back burner. "Give it a try, if you can't do it then tell YG and we will find elsewhere for you to pursue dancing," Julie said. I agreed and called YG back and told him I would be in tomorrow. Julie and I spent the rest of the day and into the evening watching movies before finally exhausted I went up to bed and dreamed of Jiyong and me embracing each other it turned into terror when my step dad appeared in my dream and slit Jiyong's throat. I woke screaming into the darkness.

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