Chapter 1

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Rory's P.O.V. Hartford

"I can't believe I'm going to have an article in the New York Times about me and my accomplishments, from where I started as a reporter to the most accomplished teacher at Chilton." I told mom as I sat in her kitchen. "Oh hun I can believe it you've always been incredible." Mom replied to me. She always had a way to give me that boost of confidence I needed. "Well mom it's getting late we really need to head home, Abi let's go." "Okay mom, love you Nana." She said as she kissed her grandma on the cheek, I love how close they are. "Mom is your interview tomorrow?" "Yes sweets it is I've got to be at the New York Times by noon so we need to leave kind of early Abi." I told her knowing she is hard to get out of bed before noon on any day she didn't have school. "You promised me school clothes shopping in New York I'll be up." She laughed, yup she's a Gilmore Girl for sure.

7 am next morning
"Mom I'm already ready." Abi called to me trying to rush me out the door. "Okay Abigail, I'm just finishing my hair." I hollered back. I came out into the foyer and heard my 13 year old daughter cat calling me. "You've been hanging with Uncle Finn way to much my dear." I laughed. She stuck her tongue out at me there's Lorelai coming out in her again I think to myself. We get loaded up and stop at Starbucks for our on the road coffee and head to New York.
The interview flew by talking about every thing from being on the Franklin and Yale daily news to being a freelancer to my stint as editor at Stars Hollow Gazzette, we talked about my Book that ended up being a number 1 seller and what led to me going back to school and becoming a teacher, we talked about how my accomplishments and disappointments helped me along the way and of course how being a single mother encouraged me to do my best for her. Pretty soon me and Abi were up to our necks in shopping bags and still going.

Logan's P.O.V New York City

I'm really glad dad took that so well I didn't think me leaving Odette the way I did would bode well with him but he actually seemed really supportive. I can't believe she thought having another man in my bed was okay and what all because she found out 14 years ago before I married her that I almost didn't go through with it because I was in love with Rory. She's worse than Shira all she cares about is money she didn't even care when I told her I was leaving and taking the kids with me. "Dad? Dad? Hey earth to dad anyone in there?" Elias was trying to get my attention. "What's up son?" I snapped out of my daze and answered him. "Me and Sophia are done shopping for school clothes can we head home now?" He asked sounding annoyed that we had just spent the last three hours at the mall. I guess it's not the type of place a 12 year old boy wants to hang out his 10 year old sister on the other hand seems to be enjoying herself fine. "Okay let's head home." I laughed as I answered. But just then a site caught my eyes, that can not be her there is no way and who is with her, but as quick as I saw her she was gone. I wondered for the rest of the day could that really have been my Ace?

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