Chapter 8

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Logan's p.o.v

"You ready Ace?" I asked as we stepped out of my escalade. "Ready as I'll ever be Huntzberger." She laughed back. We let Eli and Soph take the lead followed by me, Rory and Abi. The maid let us in and we headed to the parlor I cleared my throat as we stepped in the room and all eyes were on me. "Hello mother, dad." I began. "I have an announcement and I don't want any interruptions if you have something to say you can say it when I'm finished." Everyone nodded in agreement as they stared at mine and Rory's mixed family, Honor smiling and winking at us. "Shortly after mine and Odettes divorce when I came back to the states I found out that I had a daughter with Rory she is a year older than Eli, and her name is Abigail Honor Gilmore." I stopped and looked around to see reaction, none from Mitchum yet, Shira looked like she was gonna faint, and Honor looked like she was gonna cry finding out her niece was named after her. "We have been spending time together the five of us and have been enjoying it so much that me and Rory have decided to get back together." I finished and waited for the explosion, Honor was the first to talk. "Look before you two talk" she said pointing at mom and dad "I think this is great you guys tried making Logan be with your choice it didn't work it ended up being horrible for Logan and Eli and Soph so if they are all happy now then we will let them be that way." She told them with a look in her eye I've only seen a few times. Shira shifted in her seat looking at Rory and then back to me, I couldn't really tell what she was thinking but before she could say anything Mitchum spoke. "Well if the kids are happy and you two are happy I will support you, I never didn't like you Rory actually I even thought you were good for Logan I just didn't know if journalism itself was for you. If I may be honest the fact that you are now an English and journalism teacher I believe fits you." Rory looked speechless. Shira finally let out what she had been holding in. "I don't think you are the right fit for my son..." I interjected quickly, "mom!" "No son hear me out, I will not support this relationship, but I also know that Logan is way past the years where I can tell him what to do. So that being the case congratulations." she then turned to Abi. "on another note, Abigail I would really enjoy if I could get to know you I love having grandchildren and Eli and Sophia spend one weekend a month here, would you like to come next time they do?" Abi smiled from ear to ear, "I would love that." We all sat down to eat and enjoyed chit chat and laughter for the rest of the evening.

Rory's p.o.v

"That was definitely not what I was expecting." I told Logan as we sat drinking our drinks at my house that evening. "Honestly, me either." He answered back and leaned  in and passionately kissed me. He had decided that they would stay another night at our house so I led him up to my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and started kissing from my lips down my neck and stomach. We lost each other in the passion and made sweet tender love. We fell asleep in each others arms. We woke up the next morning and he kissed me on my forehead "I love you Ace." He spoke softly. I smiled back at him, "I love you too Logan." The week passed by pretty quickly the kids had school and I had work Monday and Tuesday, wednesday me and the kids spent the day watching movies and getting our stuff ready for Stars Hollow, because that evening we were heading there to spend the weekend. "Are you guys ready for some fun?" I asked knowing it was nearing time for Logan to be there. In unison they all yelled out "YES!" Logan pulled into the driveway moments later and all five of us piled into his escalade and headed for Stars Hollow.

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