Untitled Part 1

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An~ So, this is about the reader, who I'm deciding whether or not to make a mortal. She finds Nico on his quest to find answers about his family when he's twelve. So... I'll just leave the rest to my writing


Readers POV

Twelve. That's how old I am. Yet I'm running away in the middle of the night to escape my struggles. I come from a family of awful people. My mom is never out of her room. She always says that she's too tired. I don't really believe her.

My dad died when I was really young. I never knew him. I was three and he just, left. We got a letter home saying that he was dead. I never could ask my mom how or why. If I did ask her on the odd time that she came out of her room, she would retreat back.

I basically mother my brother Ray. He's six. Mom always asked how he is, but I can tell she doesn't care. I wake up at the crack of dawn and make his breakfast, lunch, set out his clothes, wake him up, get him clothed and out the door to school, which he does poorly in.

We're always facing financial struggles. Whether it's food, or heat, we some how find the money, but it's hard.

I've been wearing the same clothes for years. Not the exact same ones, but I haven't gotten new ones. I have about five shirts, five pairs of pants, five undergarments; if you know what I mean.

Every now and then I just have to escape. I have to leave this place. So I go outside. Outside is where I feel safe. That's where I am now.

I'm walking along a dirt 'path' in the woods. It's not really a path, more of a place where animals trampled many times, killing the grass. I'm only used to silence here, so when I hear a noise, I jump.

I listen as twigs break, and I hear ruffling. I stay silent. This thing gives off a strange aura. Something dark, and crisp.

I peer around an old dusty tree, and see a boy? A boy with raven hair and obsidian eyes. He's wearing a thin black jacket unzipped and a black shirt with a cracked skull. His jeans are black and full of rips and chains. He's pale, his skin glowing in the moon light. He looks tired, deep dark bags hung from his eyes. Just like me.

" Hello, I am (y/n), who are you?" The boy was very shaken by this. He swivelled his head around and his eyes landed in you. "T-that's n-not important." He quickly stated and ran away. I chased after this boy. His looks were hard to forget.

I finally found him after about an hour of searching. He looked tired and almost ready to faint. He was slowly falling down and spinning. I ran towards him and caught him right before he fainted. I laid him down on a soft patch of grass and opened his satchel. Inside were a few things:

Some food labeled eat during emergencies A drink that was labeled like the food. Some other seemingly useless things. And on the bag said, 'Nico Di Angelo, Son of h-' and the rest was ripped off.

I wondered for a while who this Nico boy I was, then realized what I should have done.

i opened the liquid and poured it down his throat.

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, he woke up. I pinned down his shoulders and told him, "Shh. You've just fainted. It's gonna be alright. I'll let you come to my home, we'll keep you safe. I live on my own, no worries. Okay? I promise, you can trust me. I am (y/n) (l/n), I'm twelve years old. I have basically no family. I'll give you any information you want about me if you let me take care of you, uh-Nico Di Angelo." I said in a calming whisper. Nico looked afraid but said, "okay."

I helped Nico up and kept my hand on his wrist. He gathered up his things when I noticed a black glint on his belt.

"What's that?" I asked him. "Just a sword. You know, I have to protect myself out here." "You don't have a home?" I asked this boy. "Not really." Nico doesn't like to talk; noted.

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