The Loom grave hill

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The two adventurers moved some distance away from the pool and a small hill came to their view it was called 'The Loom grave hill.'Once during halloween,my friends and I had gone for a camp ,So they started telling stories about the Loom grave hill,They said that the one who reaches the Loom grave hill at night;For sure despondency will reach them in the form of  misfortune in sight.But I hope they were just stories.The hill looked more like a thick dark forest

They travelled in the deserted lane,Linda glanced at the scene before her, It was surrounded with trees on either side. Moonlight sparkled giving the woods a haunting feeling, it had been a mistake to come in. She shuddered at the sound of an owl and the movement of the wind.But all she thought was-'this is just a temporary insanity  of my mind' and she moved on.

So they went into the woods with a full fledged feeling of getting the stone ,they searched every tree and excavated every mud hole.But suddenly something moved past them.Dark shadows lurking in still air was not at all a good sign.But this time she did'nt take it seriously as she thought this was just a part of her imagination.Again,something moved past them,this time Linda saw that it was wearing a red attire.So she dropped whatever she had in her hand; gave a wailing scream as a warning   to Edlynn and ran  as fast as a cheetah,since she knew edlynn was faster than her.Whatever it was she did'nt want to meet it and get into trouble.

But her fate didnt favour her,she tripped over a protruding branch which was the least expected at such an unfavourable time.She opened her eyes slowly,happily nothing was there.But,Linda's eyes fell on a small stone ,fallen in front of her.It was not looking like any normal stone,it had three gem looking things studded on it.She quickly grabbed it and ran back to her tent.She screamed -'Edylnn come here,i've found it jokes apart Edlynn.'But no answer came.She called out,wailed and screamed Edlynn's name..But no sign of her pet.She sat there quiet, her arms wrapped tightly around herself in a hug, hoping to comfort herself. Her body gently rocked back and forth, her cheeks stained with the endless stream of tears.

Crying out loud,she arranged her pillow to sleep,She could'nt imagine a day without Edlynn and started cursing herself for not being careful.

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