The lone journey

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The sound of chirping birds woke Linda up.But whatever happens she had to continue her journey and was determined to rescue Edlynn.So she took the stone and started examining it.She took the three gems out using a secateur and she put them inside her backpack

She went out of her tent and stood near the pool,she tossed the three holed stone into the pool and as it went deeper and deeper ,a whirlpool started arising.Linda jumped into holding life in her hand and she dived right to the riverbed .She did not know what to search for since it was not written in her a bolt from the blue she remebered about the diary,Oh god she had forgotten to read  after the P.S.Within this gap,keys started flowing out of nowhere,Each key looked beautiful in it's own way,some were diamond studded,ruby studded,then her hope materialized in the form of a triangle ended key,it was just a gold key ,she seized it and started swimming back .She started thinking-'why should a whirlpool arise?' so she ran towards her tent,to take a look at her diary which would answer all her queries.

She went into the tent and lifted the pillow,but the diary wasnt there.She hunted everywhere,but there was no sign of it.Now it dawned upon her that she was completely supportless,even the last hope of completing the journey became faint.With uncertainity of future she packed her tent and the key;and once again started moving.neither her trustworthy pet was near her nor was the last souvenir her father had left her.The desolate feeling of being left behind,and alone forever started eating  her up.

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