Chapter 1

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Alex grips the window seal tightly in anticipation, knowing her childhood friend Lawrence would arrive soon. Her mother comes in to see her standing by the window "gee you're really excited aren't you?" "Well yea he's been gone for centuries!" Alex exaggerates when in reality Lawrence has only really been gone for a few months and is coming back for the last week of summer. Most people don't talk to Alex because they think she's strange and she's pretty ok with that since she hates everyone anyway. Lawrence is really her only true friend. Suddenly the screech of tires makes Alex pop her head up frantically and bust outside. She spots a blue sedan she's grown to love and yells "LAW!" Instinctively. "ALEX!" Lawrence smiles back. "LAW!" Alex grows angrier. Fear flushes over Lawrence as he yells back "A-ALEX!?!" Alex yells in full sprint "MARTY!!!" The only reply to make it out of Lawrence's mouth before his inevitable doom is "SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!" Just as quickly as the words leave his mouth, Alex is on top of him delivering blow after blow to his torso but luckily for Lawrence she doesn't hit that well. She stops to catch her breath and he smiles "isn't this the part where you kiss me?" "Oh you'd like that wouldn't you?" She leans closer, shifting his soft hair through her fingers. "I mean it would be nice" he grins, half jokingly yet half serious. A lustful look fills her eyes as their lips slowly grow closer. Butterflies fill his stomach as he closes his eyes, leaning forward slightly. Alex sits up quickly and tilts her head "did you catch my Madagascar reference?" Lawrence blinks confused and replies "oh uh..y-yea mhm" a bit of disappointment in his voice. "You didn't really think we we're gonna make out on the lawn did you?" Alex gives Lawrence a knowing look. "Well maybe I thought I had some sort of a chance" He smirks. "Maybe a different time and place" Alex winks flirtatiously. They both silently agree to save it for later and keep their "friends with benefits" vibe a secret for now. "Hey kids! You wanna come inside or are you just gonna lay out on the lawn some more?" Alex's mom yells curiously. "Oh ya know, we'll just stay out here and stare at the one visible star in the sky known as the sun" Alex rolls her eyes sarcastically. "Well alright, but I made your favorite" her mother replies sweetly. She's already halfway to the door as the word "SPAGHETTI!?!" escapes her lips. Lawrence chuckles slightly, following her inside.

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