Chapter 12

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The sun shines through the windows brightly as Alex groans "Day..close the curtains." Alex feels around the bed to find it empty, her eyes flash open and she sits up. Her eyes grow wide as she takes in her surroundings. Trash and broken furniture cover the floor and a large hole in the window has glass all over the floor. "D-day!?! Lawrence!" Alex calls out. Hurried footsteps fill the hall as Lawrence swings open the door "Alex what's-...wrong.." "Where's Day?" Alex stands quickly. "I don't k-know, she was with you, w-what happened?" Lawrence stutters. "I don't know!" Alex replies frantically. "I know who might" Paris jumps up. Alex grabs Lawrence's keys quickly "lets go then!" After another terrifyingly dangerous drive, they arrive at the old town hall on the outskirts of town. "What are we doing here?" Lawrence asks. Alex gets out quickly and walks up to the doors. Paris grabs Lawrence's hand "This is the light headquarters and there are a lot of vampires so stay behind me." "Whoa what?" Lawrence asks fearfully. Alex busts in and shoves past random people as she makes her way through the halls. Lawrence and Paris follow, apologizing to others as they hurry to catch up with Alex. Alex kicks open the doors to the light leaders room and a man with long white hair looks up "excuse me?" "Excuse friend has gone missing and I need your help...I think the dark one took her" Alex stammers. Lawrence looks at the man confused and the creator stands "the dark one you say?" "I think what she says is true" Paris nods. "Yes..can you please help me find h-" Alex is cut off as the building rumbles. Suddenly a light member busts in "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" The creator rushes out, a dagger in hand, barking commands "fight back! No survivors!" Paris follows in a hurry, grabbing a weapon on his way. Lawrence looks horrified and Alex grabs his wrist "we gotta hide! They will eat you alive!" They run through the halls, ducking and weaving past fights left and right. Alex shoves Lawrence into a nearby closet and locks it "stay here!" Lawrence beats on the door roughly "Alex wait!" Alex turns quickly and looks around for a face she may recognize. She spots a fight between the creator and the dark one. He must know where Day is. "Alex! There you are! I knew they must have kidnapped you and Day after they attacked Hailey!" The dark one exclaims. Alex gives a confused look and the creator shouts "you're the one that kidnapped her girlfriend!" They both shout simultaneously "he's lying! Help me!" Alex stands there stunned as the world slows around her. What's going on. Who's side is the right side. What do I do. Where's Day. Suddenly a wave of light members force the brood to fall back and evacuate. The creator yells victoriously "we've won this battle!" Alex feels a slight dread in her heart. They may have one the battle, but the war isn't over yet.

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