Still Monday

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I'm sick and not at school so as you can imagine i am quite bored, i cant go outside because its like 40 degrees(i know its not a lot but it feels like 20) and I'm coming down with something. Its really difficult since I am a snow leopard and I'm used to going outside, but I cant. I tried meditating to see how Clin died but i cant put my paw on it, i think a hunter shot her neck because while i was meditating i felt a surge of energy and i saw myself (as Clin) running from something, suddenly i heard a bang! and felt my head (my "real" human head) drop to my shoulder and felt something in my neck, like a bullet.

But enough with that dying stuff, i think i better explain how i know I'm a therian.

First) when i was little i pretended to be a cat (didn't matter which kind)

second) when i was 8-9 i thought i WAS a cat

third) my purrsonality matches one of a snow leopards and i feel quite connected to them.

  (I'm so sorry if my story is very jumbled and confusing but i like to type my confusing thoughts since  my friends and parents don't know I'm a therian) - Clin

ps: i will probably only wright occasionally like when i am bored or when i shift (therian news in general.)

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