i cant talk long

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Im just gonna tell you about my mind scape. 

I was by the pond again. It was hard to stay in my mind scape. the black orb was growing stronger. I jumped on the boalder and looked out acroos, my mindscape, my home. "So, you want to destroy the black orb?" Fox asked. I was suprised, of his sudden appearence. He jumped up on the boulder next to me. "Yeah, i hate that I cant stay here that long." He gave me a sad look. "Follow me." he jumped off the boalder. We ran across trhe medow and up to the orb. The grass was shorter here, easier to see. "Jump in." "What?!" I had no idea what he was talking about. "You have to jump in the orb, I cant do it because i'm not in control of this mindscape." I looked down, at my paws. "Do you want to stay here longer?" His voice was kind, yet firm. I nodded, and jumped. The world became black, It was like i was in space. I heard the sounds of both worlds. Then I came back. Everything was so much brighter, cleaer. I smiled at him. "It worked!" I felt everything fuzz up. it was time for me to go. "I'm glad we destroyed it, I had fun being with you. Come back tonight. Good by sher-." I dont know what he was going to call me.  But what ever it is, i will try to find it out.

I will update more about theanthropy tonigfht, but i gtg. bye for now -Clin/Varia

ps. im just gonna call the barred owl Varia for now

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