The Gebriahl Setup [Bulays and Ghaavn 7] - Tara Loughead

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The Gebriahl Setup

Tara Loughead

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2010 Tara Loughead

For Jim Holdaway.

A Bulays and Ghaavn Adventure.

"There's too many of them even for us, Ghaavn!" Yelled Bulays, cutting down the thug to her left in a spray of blood.

"I'm out of bullets!" he yelled back. "Looks like we're going down hard."


When the duo slowly awoke, they were definitely feeling the going down. Being chained to the wall in a dank, smelly basement that was starting to fill with water that bilge rats would run from screaming was even worse.

Bulays, her body armour gone, was now only wearing a bra and panties. She tested the manacles on her arms, as she stood chained to a slimy concrete wall. "No luck here. I'm not going to be able to break these."

"Not even the ex-arm wrestling champion of London can move these shackles, then?" came the reply from her partner. Ghaavn too was down to his underwear. Having been beaten senseless, the cold was being to take effect.

"I don't think even the bloke responsible for my ex-champion status could break out of here. The Wild Man of Mercury couldn't break out of these."

"Given he's not here, I don't think that matters," said Ghaavn.

"It was over like lightning. Almost didn't see him pin my arm to the table. Just 'eard it. I definitely saw it when he pinned me later, though." She grinned. "Now how do we get out of here?"

"There's one way. It wouldn't be your favourite, though." Ghaavn flexed his arms. With a move that an Interplanetary gymnast would have been proud of, he managed to pull himself up so his backside was briefly level with his hands. An exertion, and he lowered himself, arms quivering with the strain. He showed his partner what he held between his right thumb and forefinger.

"How'd you manage that?"

"You know supervillains and death traps. Plus, I was banking on the well known fact that Gebriahl is one of the last of the inveterate Kinsey Zeroes."

"Never thought I'd be happy to know someone was a homophobic scumbag," laughed Bulays. "Bastard searched me very, very thoroughly."

"So, yes or no?"

"Yes," agreed a not very pleased Bulays.

"Emar!" Ghaavn exclaimed.

A green cloud of mist that fit right in with the noxious decor coalesced into the lissom form of the Death Queen of Neptune. She wore a short skirt, Venusian dragonskin boots, and a smile. She tossed her long dark hair over a shoulder and queried: "Need a hand?"

"Actually, more like bolt cutters or a thermal lance I was thinking," said Bulays.

"Oh, I think a hand will do for now," said Emar. She moved to where Ghaavn was chained. "Hold still." She rested her left hand on Ghaavn's right shoulder, and stood on her toes to reach the chain on the wall. She pulled sharply with her right hand, Chips of concrete flew, and the chain came free from the wall. She rapidly repeated the procedure with the other, and walked over to Bulays. "You're taller, beautiful. I cant' reach like that. You'll have to let me climb you." Emar certainly looked the opposite of inconvenienced at that the thought, eyes dancing happily. Bulays eyes narrowed, but she spread her legs wide. Emar put her hands on Bulays' shoulders, and boosted herself so that her knees rested on the taller woman's hips. The underside of Emar's free, full breasts brushed the short blonde hair on Bulays' head as she wrenched one chain free, then the other. Task accomplished, she slid back down Bulays body, skin sliding over skin.

The Gebriahl Setup [Bulays and Ghaavn 7] - Tara LougheadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang