If I Told You

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Its been a while hasn't it,

Since you've been gone.

Since I failed to make you stay.

I knew that eventually,

I'd be alone.

So here I am,

in this empty room.

Thinking and hoping,

that you'll join me soon.

However, All I'm doing,

is digging my shallow grave.

Why did you leave me, all alone.

I'd like to leave, but have no place called home.

If I told you,

to come back to me.

Would you smile

and answer my prayers.

or ignore me

and feed my doubts.

If I told you,

that I love you.

What would you say?

Would you come back

and tell me you feel the same.

or would you glare in my direction

and freely cut my heart into sections.

All I know is that I miss you dearly,

And regret ever telling you so clearly.

"Goodbye. " When what I really meant was

stay, don't go, Don't leave me so cold.

Its hard to be here without you,

but no one will ever know.

I'll keep these things to myself,

until you return.

But what if I told you how I felt, would you care?

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