•••••Chapter 5•••••

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Brandon POV

I look at Jack who is smirking at me. "Dude..." He said, I roll my eyes and put my phone away in my pocket of my pants. I look back at Jack and he's still smirking. "What Jack," I said and he smiles. "You stuttered! Someone has a crush on "Kay". What a cute nickname." I roll my eyes. "I don't have a crush on her, its just her name is easy to have a nickname."

He gives me a face. "Uh huh...Sureee." I roll my eyes again and close the locker. "Would you shut up and change already your dad will come any minute," I said and he gets his garage clothes from his locker and goes to the bathroom. I walk upstairs and go to a guy named AJ who works here.

•••3 hours later•••

I get out of my car and so does Jack. "Hurry up dude." I said to jack who is texting. "coming coming." he mumbled and I go inside Starbucks. I can't believe it... I quickly take Jack outside before she sees us. "Woah Woah the door is this way dude!" he said almost falling back.

"Ok sure if you want Rose to see you go ahead." his eyes widen and hides behind a car. "Damn she works here too?!" I laugh. Last weekend we went to a store to get some junk food for us to eat while we watch a movie in the movie room at my house and Rose worked there. "Do you just want to just order in the driveway?" he nods and we walk back to my car and hop on.

••••Kaylee POV••••

I finally finish my homework and walk downstairs where Adrian is playing Xbox. I roll my eyes at him and walk in the kitchen. "Hey, Adrian where's mom and dad?!" I shout from the kitchen. "Mom went grocery shopping and dad is visiting a man from church." I sigh. "ok." I said and get out my keys from the drawer.

"Let's go somewhere?" I said coming from the kitchen (I forgot why I went to the kitchen, hehe). "Yeah!" he said and turned off the TV. "Where to?" I said leaving a note for my mom to know that we went out. "Can we go to the park?!" i nod and he was about to open the door, but i stop him. "Woah, are you forgetting something?" i ask him and he stares at me.

"No? I don't think so." he said and i tap my foot and look at him head to toe. "Ohh! Yeah huh!" he runs upstairs to grab a shirt and his shoes. I chuckle at him and go outside to wait for him. Then my phone buzzes. "hey what's up." i ask when i answer Rose's call. "Ok, i only have about 4 minutes, Ohhh!! I swear if they want to get a punch in the face they will get it!" i laugh.

"Let me guess Jack was there?" i laugh again and i can hear her huff. "Yes, that jerk and the "bad boy" were outside of Starbucks." i roll my eyes. "Hey ill talk to you later, Jamie needs help." i laugh. "ok bye!" i hang up and see Adrian coming out. "Lets go!" he shouts and gets in my car.

•An hour later•

We walk into the house and see my mom watching tv. "How was the park?" My mom asks, turning off the tv. I smile and Adrian flops on the couch. "It was fun! Mom, we should go but with you and dad!" i laugh and so does my mom. "Ok honey." i walk upstairs and take off my shoes and get out my laptop.

I check the time first, 5:38, i smile and start to facetime Rose. "Hey!" i chirp when she answers. "Ugh I'm still mad." she pouts and i laugh. "Come out get over him. What about the guy at the mall? Did you call him?" i ask and she smiles. "Yeah, we're going on a date this Saturday." i sqeak. "GIRL!! On Friday you are going to show me what you're going to wear kay?" she gives me a confused face. "Why Friday? The date is at-Ohh never mind." we laugh.

"Are you excited?!" i roll my eyes at her. "No, I'm just going to take care of his siblings. That's all, nothing else." she gives me a face. "YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE CARE OF HIS SIBLING!! WOMAN YOU'RE THE LUCKIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD!" She shouts and I roll my eyes. "Calm down, i know." then i gasp. "Oh my god! What if his siblings are like him?! Ahh! What if they are worse than Adrian!!??" i start to panic and Rose just laughs. "SUCKS TO BE YOU!!"

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