••••Chapter 21••••

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Kaylee POV

"Kaylee!" I turn around and see Rose and Jack. I wave and smile, I put down the bowl of food that some people brought. "Hey Guys!" I said once they got near me. I hug Rose and then I hug Jack. "Where's Brandon?" Jack asks. Right now we all came to my house because it's Adrian's 10th birthday- my parents are throwing a barbecue party for Adrian.

"He went to pick up the twins." I said and Rose smirked. "So he came first than everyone else?" She said and I roll my eyes, but smile. "Yeah, he came and helped me put up the decorations." I said. "Oh here, it's for Adrian." Jack said giving me a box that is wrapped in rapping paper. "Ok." I said and walk inside to the table full of presents for Adrian. I walk back outside and keep talking to Jack and Rose. "Hey where's cookie?" Rose asks. "She's with Adrian, he's showing off Cookie to his friends." I said and roll my eyes, but smile.

••••Brandon POV••••

"Hurry up!" I yell to the twins. "Coming!" Ashley shouts. Jacob comes down with his shoes untied. "Jacob You're going to fall, tie your shoes." I said and he looks down. "No im not." He said And then trips. "I told you." I said and picked him up, I tie his shoes while he brushes off his pants. "Why do you always have to be right?" He huffed and I laugh. "Because I'm older than you." I said and Ashley walks down the stairs like a boss. Jacob whistles and I clap, she flips her hair. "That's our sister!" I said and Jacob throws a flower at her.

"Where did you get the flower?" Ashley asks as she bends down and gets the flower. "From the pot JJ put there." Jacob said. JJ is our maid, she and her husband- Mike, our butler, the one who helped me with the hot air ballon- went on a 3 mouth vacation to Hawaii. They came on Friday night, which was a good thing because we started to get sick of ordering junk food. "Speaking of JJ, where-" but she cuts me off. "Right here Hon! Now if you are going to that party then you need to go quick! Mike already has the car ready. I also put the gift in the car." JJ said and we all hug her.

"Thank you. We would be lost without you guys." I said and she laughs. We go to the garage and Mike hands me the keys. "Everything is ready sir." He said and I nod. "Thanks Mike." I said and he leaves back inside. "I call shotgun!" Ashley said before Jacob could say it. "Aww!" Jacob pouts and goes to the back seat. I sit on the drivers seat and Ashley opens the door to the back. "What happened, Ashley? Don't you want to come to the front?" I ask and she shakes her head, she hops next to Jacob and he smiles.

Twins. I shake my head and drive off the driveway and head to Kaylee's house. We get there in 10 minutes and we walk to the back gate. There I saw Jax and Jacob talking to Chuck and Mr. Sanders. "Hey!" Jacob waving at me I wave back and walk towards them. "Hey dude, glad you came." He said and we do the man bro. I shake Mr. Sanders' hand, Jax's hand and Chuck's hand. "Where's everyone?" I ask. "Inside. Helping." Jax said and I nod. "Speaking of that, Rose texted me. See you later." Jax said and kissed Jacob on the cheek.

"So Brandon. We were just talking about your little surprise to Kaylee." Chuck said and I scratch the back of my neck. "Hehe...yeah I just thought why not do it big so she can remember that day." I said and Mr. Sanders smiles. I'm glad he's so chill, except Mrs. Sanders. I feel like she would cut my throat if I even hurt Kaylee. "I should've thought of that! I don't even remember when I asked Jax to be my Girlfriend." Jacob said and we all laugh. "Oh Brandon, can you help me get some more drinks from inside, please?" Mr. Sanders said.

"Sure." I said and we head inside. "I ummm...I actually wanted to talk to you alone." He said once we entered inside his house. "Oh ok." I said kinda nervous. "Let's go to my office, it'll be better if we talk there." He said and I nod. He takes me to a small room that has full of papers and books with a desk and a computer on it. "Take a seat, son." He said and I take a seat in front of the desk. He sits down on a chair next to me and faces it so it would be facing face to face.

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