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The world seems to have the same feeling I am having right now. Just like my eyes, it is also pouring out its tears- releasing all the hurt inside. But, unlike the rain, it's only the four corners of my room which can see the waterworks of my already bloodshot eyes. I can't help it for what I have on my hands now are opened pages of a diary, telling the story of our first meeting.

June 6, 2011

Dear Diary,

Good evening!

All the worries and fears are now erased. College is not bad. In fact, my first day in the university was great. I met new friends and it made me feel so free, so alive.

I bumped to a guy this morning. I couldn't help but to admire the beautiful blue orbs that he has when I looked up to see his face. My eyes trailed down to his pointed nose, to his kissabpe lips, I mean, to his whole well-chiseled face. He's like a Greek god that comes to life. Do you want to know the best part? Well, he's my classmate. That means I will be studying everyday with a fine-looking creature around the corner. And that just gave me a reason to sleep early tonight so I'll be waking up fresh tomorrow. Ooooops! By the way, I heard someone called him Zach. Good night!

In spite of the sore feeling, a smile breaks away from my lips. The memories replay in my mind, the first time I met my love. Cliche? I think not.

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