The secret

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Sugawara's POV

After a while, I started to wonder where Kageyama had gone, so I went out for a bit to search. As I went around the corridor, I heard, crying? That couldn't be Kags, could it? I crept closer to whoever it was and saw it really was him, he was hugging his knees looking down at them, weeping. "Your going to tell everyone, aren't you..." He said still tucking his head in his knees. "About what?" I asked, then remembering our talk before. "You allready know...I'm such an idiot..." He looked at me with watery eyes. I've never seen Kageyama this sad before, to the point of crying even. "I won't tell a soul." I promised him, kneeling down to where he was sitting. "Really?" Kageyama speaks, stills tears spilling from his eyes, tryimg to keep cool. I smile in a comforting way "Really."

Kageyana's POV

After we head back I see everyone stare as I try to wipe away the last of my tears 'crap' I think to myself. Sugawara though looks at me in a way that was somewhat motherly, like he was telling it's alright. "Yo where were you, we had to clean up by ourselves!" Yelled Nisganoya. "You know, we are here too." Confirmed Tsukkishima. "All you did was stand there!!" Tanaka Screamed. "C'mon guys, it's not THAT bad." Admited Hinata. His voice always made me just wanna hug-I mean... Ugh why does my mind do this to meeee. I went to the others to help with the clean up, which ended in another food fight with the left-overs, equalling me yelling at Hinata, followed by an angry captin.

After more cleaning up, we continued on with practise. Sooner or later it had been getting late since we weren't focusing too much, and Daichi told us to head home, and so we did. Hinata and I walked home together, ugh...this isn't gonna be good.

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