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*A month later..

"This is the police! Put your hands up!"

This is the most terrifying moment we don't want to happen. It's just Taehyung who were now got caught by the police because he decided to go outside just to breathe some air and I'm here hiding in our hide out watching the scenario. My heart will burst in nervousness in any seconds now.

"Turn around slowly and don't do any unnecessary movements or we'll shoot!"

"Then shoot! Shoot me already!!!"

Taehyung take one step forward and loudly shout at the police.

"Don't move! We're warning you!"

"Why?! This is what you want right?! I have sinned! I deserve this! Besides, I feel like dying everyday.. It hurts everyday.. I can't endure it, I can't conceal it, I can't erase it.. Please let me be punished.."

After he said all of his feelings, he continue to step towards to the police look so desperately while whimpping but the police were ready and look like they're gonna shoot in anytime now.

But Taehyung continue to step forward..






Taehyung.. What have you done??

I ran towards her lifeless body as I saw red flood is flowing.

I kneeled down and slowly put my hand to touched her face.

I can't believe she sacrificed herself just for me, a sinner like me. I'm the one who needed to be punished, not her..

"Nononono Jina don't leave me..
Don't leave me please..
Don't die..."

But it's all too late..


"I'm sorry.."

I hugged her tight in my arms for the last time but then..

I suddenly saw a man standing at the corner far enough here. My eyes are blurry because of my tears but I recognize him already.

Jin hyung...

I am very sorry I couldn't protect her.

Illuminate my sins, forgive me for my sins..

Please dry my eyes...


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