Chapter 1

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She didn't know what it was. But she absolutely loved it. Although she hardly spoke, she loved every second she had around him.

She was too afraid to ask him what it was, she didn't want to jeopardise it. She was scared of rejection. She somehow thought that if she kept quiet about it then it would just continue to flow, well that's what she hoped for.

But surely, he must like me? He wouldn't of put in that much effort if he didn't.. right? Trisha was doubting herself.

Trisha wasn't the most confident person, she was aware of her appearance and was trying her hardest to change. In Trisha's eyes, she considered herself as being fat and was determined to lose the weight. Though it was hard work going to the gym and changing her eating habits, but Trisha used all the insults and harsh words that people used to throw at her as motivation to stick at it.

Trisha's insecurities sometimes got in the way of things and really made her wonder why he was even wasting his time speaking to her.

Surely he can see how fat and unattractive I am? So how comes he chose to speak to me? Out of all the pretty girls around here and he.. he chose me? Is this some kind of a joke?

"why you so quiet?" he would always ask her. Trisha used to just put it down as she was high and had no energy to talk but really and truly Trisha was just soaking in the atmosphere and cherishing every moment she had around him. She never wanted time to go. She just wanted to hold on tight to him and never let go.

But surely he would get bored of me? Trisha thought to herself. There's only so long that his going to put up with your quietness.

Trisha wanted to know about his past life before he came into her life, though they had already discussed his previous career and hobbies, Trisha wanted to know everything in depth.

She was genuinely interested in him and wanted to know everything about him. However she was scared, she was too scared that maybe she would be digging too deep and discover something that was probably best left in the dark. Trisha also knew that asking him questions about his past would eventually lead him to ask her questions about her past which she was not ready to bring to light just yet...

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