Cherry Pie

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                 Yamaguchi smiles as his mother walks through the door of his shared home with his five-year boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei

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                 Yamaguchi smiles as his mother walks through the door of his shared home with his five-year boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei. "What a wonderful house you have here, Tadashi!" Yamaguchi's mom pulls him into a bone-crushing hug and he flinches, "Thanks, mom... but I can't b-breathe..." "Oh, I'm sorry honey! But it is a lovely house, right dear?" Yamaguchi's father nods, "Yes, it is very lovely." "Care to give us a tour, dumbass?" Yamaguchi's younger, teenage sister asks, obviously bored. "Now that is no language for a fifteen-year-old!" As his mother pulls his sister aside to scold her, Yamaguchi leads his father into the dining room. "Here is my dining room..." You can hear the nervousness in Yamaguchi's voice. After all, none of his family knew he had a boyfriend. "Why so nervous?" His father's quiet voice asks and Yamaguchi gulps, "N-no reason..." After a short pause he continues, "Anyways, follow me th-" "Tadashi! Dinners ready!" Tsukishima's voice rings through their one-story home which falls silent. "O-okay, babe!" Yamaguchi's voice quivers and he doesn't look at his father as he scurries away to the kitchen. 

                   "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Tsukishima asks as his boyfriend walks in, on the verge of tears. "I... I-I...." He begins crying and Tsukishima pulls him into his arms. "Shh..." His whispers and rubs Yamaguchi's back soothingly, "What's up?" He asks and Yamaguchi looks up at him, his lips quivering, "My... my family heard y-you... and then I called you babe s-so now I think they hate me..." "Baby, I'm sure they accept you, your family is amazing and I know they wouldn't hate you." Yamaguchi wipes his tears, "I hope you're right.. so do you wanna go set the table while I bring in the food?" "Alright, just don't burn yourself again." Tsukishima states, leaving the kitchen and Yamaguchi smiles softly and makes plates for everyone. 

                 When Tsukishima walks into the dining room, Yamaguchi's family is gathered there. "Hello," He states and begins setting up the table. "So Tadashi is gay?" His sister asks, coolly smacking her bubblegum with a still-bored expression. "Yes," Tsukishima stops and faces Yamaguchi's family, "And I am his boyfriend of five years." "Five years?!" Yamaguchi's mom looks as if she is about to faint, "And he never once told us he was homosexual!" A tear falls from Yamaguchi's father's eye and he smiles, "I'm glad he's happy." Tsukishima smiles and then looks over to Yamaguchi's sister and sees she looks as if she is going to explode. "OMG REALLY?!" She screams and jumps around, suddenly a fujoshi. "Tadashi get in here!!" As if on cue, Yamaguchi arrives with plates and Tsukishima helps to set them across the dining table. "I'm so proud of you!" Yamaguchi's sister says happily, tears streaming down her face as she hugs him. Yamaguchi smiles. "Shall we eat dinner now?" Tsukishima asks, "And for dessert, we have Tadashi's famous cherry pie," They all smile and dig into a delicious Thanksgiving meal.

      It doesn't take a million cousins and aunts and uncles to make a happy family.~


           In honor of Thanksgiving, I wrote this one-shot and I was determined to finish it so that my readers could enjoy something before Thanksgiving when they had to spend time with family and couldn't get on Wattpad. Have a good Thanksgiving, everyone! And even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, have a good holiday whenever your next holiday is! Bye bye~

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