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             Yamaguchi Tadashi sits in horror on the floor of his bathroom, eyes widen and filled with terror. He has never been this terrified before. 'Maybe it is lying...' Is the first thought that pops into his head, but he knows it isn't because it is one of the most accurate brands out there. 'How am I supposed to explain to Kei that I, his boyfriend, for now, three years, am pregnant?!' He begins to hyperventilate and tears cascade down his face as he thinks of all the bad things that could happen. 'He's going to leave me.... He's going to pack up his things and leave our house, and then I am going to be all alon-' "Babe, I'm home!" Tsukishima's voice calls out and you can hear the door close behind him. Yamaguchi is too afraid to reply as he tries his best to stop sobbing but fails miserably, letting out a sob that is loud and powerful enough to make him shake. "Baby?" Tsukishima's voice is filled with worry as he runs around the house, trying to find his crying boyfriend, "Where are you?" "I-In the bathroom..." Yamaguchi calls out and soon he hears Tsukishima stop in front of the locked bathroom door, knocking on it softly at first and then trying to open it only to notice it is locked. "Why is it locked, baby? Let me in..." Tsukishima's soft voice pleads but Yamaguchi doesn't move from his position on the bathroom floor. "I... I'm scared, Kei," Tsukishima knew that something was extremely upsetting his boyfriend if he called him Kei since Yamaguchi was always nervous that it was too early in the relationship to call each other by first names. "Why? If its that I am going to leave you, I already told you last time when you locked yourself in the closet for 2 hours, that I am not leaving you, ever." Tsukishima's voice was stern, but you could tell he was just trying to cheer his boyfriend up. "I can't tell you, Kei..." Yamaguchi's voice breaks and he sobs harshly, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped protectively in Tsukishima's arms and to be held until he fell asleep. "Why, baby?" Tsukishima props himself against the door, a tear falling from his eyes, "Am I a bad boyfriend? Do you hate me, is that why you're scared? Because you are afraid that I will be mad?" "What?! Never! I love you so much Kei... I'm just nervous.. that you are going to hate me when you find out that I'm-" Yamaguchi stops himself and gulps. "That you're...?" "That... That I'm pregnant!" Silence falls over the two-story house of Yamaguchi and Tsukishima as you hear Tsukishima get up from leaning against the door and you hear him walk away and Yamaguchi sobs, heartbroken. Suddenly, footsteps walk to the door and you hear the door softly click, signaling that it has been unlocked. Yamaguchi falls backward and lands on something soft. He looks up to see Tsukishima smiling happily down at him, "There's going to be a new member of our family," He smiles as tears cascade from his irises. "Our f-family?" Yamaguchi blushes and looks away and Tsukishima turns him so that his entire body faces his, "Yes, our family." Tsukishima gulps nervously and with a little bit of struggle, pulls something out of his back pocket. 





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