Chapter 6

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Whisk. Whisk.

I squinted, feeling something cold touching my face. At first, I couldn't point out what it was exactly. I was still half in dreamland and hearing something else at the same time.

"You're not getting up?" Finn asked. He was the same old boy I remembered him to be. He still got that well-known smile he always carried before and those blue eyes that were as clear as I could recall. His teeth were still crooked, and he was just that boy. And just like the old times, it was only the two of us.

"Five minutes," I said to him.

Whisk. Whisk.

"Okay, I'm heading out now," Finn said in a very peculiar tone.

I paused, thinking. It took me a moment to realize that the Finn in my dreams wasn't actually saying anything. He was only smiling at me.

"Finn?" I said his name, confused.

In a while, Mom came and took his hand. They were laughing about something as I turned my gaze away. I looked around to see who was talking to me. No one was in sight. I looked back to where Finn and Mom were, only to see that they had already left.

Okay, so it wasn't that pleasing to be left alone in the middle of nowhere. But aside from that, who was talking to me a moment ago?

Whisk. Whisk.

"I give up. Don't blame me if you get late again," said the voice.

My eyelids flew open, and I immediately got up from bed. Turning to my left, I saw that KN, who was already wearing his uniform, was standing by my bedside. As I squinted once more, staggered by the morning sunshine that came into our room when the breeze swayed the curtains, I felt something dripping down my face. Wiping it, I looked at what KN was holding. With all due shock, it was a water sprayer.

"Did you just water me?" I asked with complete astonishment. I couldn't believe that he thought I was part of the native flora of this room. He meticulously held that smirk in place, not in the least apologetic for my soaked face and almost drenched shirt. I already knew that he was strange and not your typical Mr. Nice Guy. What I couldn't comprehend was that he had already taken his animosity to a different level.

"I was watering my plant and thought that this might be the best way to wake you up. No touching done. So we're both okay, right?"


"Oh, come on, I did you a favor," KN pointed out. Handing me back my alarm clock, he added, "I gave it two minutes. That's the limit of my patience. I think it's better if you buy a louder one, probably one that can wake you up."

"Two minutes? That's it?"

"That's long," KN said with utmost conviction.

I usually got up after five snoozes. It worked for the last few days, because KN wasn't around when my alarm clock started ringing and snoozing for the entire length of fifteen minutes.

"You could have called me," I said back, as I was heading down my bed. Seeing the clock, I blurted, "Oh, shit!"

"Yup, you're late. I'll be heading out first," he said, putting down the sprayer beside his plant, and walking towards the door.

"Wait! Can I come along with you? I don't know where the new room—"

And the door shut close.

Why should I be surprised by that? KN never waited for me, anyway. Even though we had the same classes, he never really bothered. I was used to getting lost as I tried finding the classrooms if ever I wasn't able to go with someone. And if only our teacher and room for the first period hadn't changed, I wouldn't bother asking him of all people.

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