The Town's Dark Past/Deaths of Noah and Cybil

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The man sighed.

"It was a long time ago when it happened. Angela Gillespie was the younger twin sister of Alessa Gillespie. They were both under tremendous bullying and alienation. Reason being was that they both had been born out of wedlock and they both had special powers. I'm their father. But no one knew that I was. Not even Dahlia's lying and conniving older sister Christabella knew. They still don't know.  Good thing they don't. Christabella is the priestess I told you about, and she's also Alessa and Angela's aunt, but she sure didn't act it. She had a way of scaring both girls and always made them feel like they didn't belong."

"And you are?"

"Noah Gillespie. I changed my surname to match Dahlia's after the girls were born. They have a thing about female deities. I don't mind, but I think they're twisting their own religious views." The man said. He continued. "Anyway, this day 30 years poor girl Alessa was sexually assaulted by the janitor at Midwich Elementary School. I have to say, when I heard what was going on, I wanted to kill that janitor. Instead, I practically begged Dahlia to let the girls come live with me and leave Silent Hill, then it would all be behind us. But she was so soft spoken, she couldn't stand up to Christabella."

Stephen nodded to go on while Gabby still slept.

"That night of the same day, I was forced to go into that God-forsaken room and watch as they burned Alessa. I was the only one out of those damn sons of bitches silently crying as they did."

Stephen's jaw dropped in horror
as he recalled Anna back in the hotel room explaining their religion.

"Our elders of our elders kept us pure. Burning the witch kept back the darkness. It stopped the apocalypse." She had said.

"They hunt witches and then they burn them!" He realized with dread.

"They were going to do the same to Angela, but they didn't get a chance to. The Great Silent Hill Fire prevented them from burning Angela, but she was overcome by the smoke and the heat. I haven't seen both of them since that night. I should have just dragged Dahlia and the girls with me when I had the chance. I was partly to blame because I didn't see it coming. And yet, we're all stuck here between purgatory and hell for 30 years. I suppose we all deserve it for the parts we played in the twins' torment."

"Please tell me more. Where is this Angela? Is she with Alessa? How am I supposed to find them both?" Stephen asked.

"They're at a hospital called Brookhaven. It's not far from here. I would advise you to keep this child here. That crazy bitch Christabella will come after her no matter what. I'll protect her from here." Noah said.

"Oh, my daughter isn't the only one here. There's another who looks exactly like Alessa, and her name is Sharon." Stephen remembered. "Her mother Rose is looking for her along with a police officer named Cybil Bennett."

"Well, lets hope you and the two women find her before Christabella does. Now go, and find some answers from my daughters themselves!" Noah said.

Stephen nodded and left, but not before whispering an "I'll be back soon" and a gentle kiss to Gabby's cheek before leaving.

I have a feeling that this guy is just the father they both need in their lives. Noah thought.

Stephen arrived at the hospital just as Christabella had her men drag an unconscious, beaten and bloodied Cybil Bennett back presumably to their church. Rose was nowhere to be found, and it worried him.

Man, what the hell happened?! Noah was absolutely right about this Christabella. Stephen gaped as he stayed hidden. As soon as they were out of sight, he went all the way downstairs to the basement floor on foot. He met up with Rose after being shown the truth by both Alessa and Angela and their dark sides merged with each of the parents.

"Hey! Where have you been?" Rose asked, relieved that he was okay. "Cybil and I thought you and Gabby were killed by those monsters."

"There was man named Noah who got us away. That Christabella lady can't be trusted." Stephen explained.

"Tell me about it. I showed her the picture of Sharon and she called me a witch." Rose said.

Figures. Stephen thought ruefully. "I left Gabby with this Noah. He's the twins' father." Stephen said. "If what Dark Alessa and Dark Angela say about Sharon and Gabby being their innocent sides is true, I can only hope that Dahlia and Noah can protect them from Christabella."

"Let's hope so." Rose said. "Let's go. We have to stop them."

Stephen nodded as he and Rose broke into a run.

Gabby struggled out of the grasp of a fellow church member. Sharon did the same. Unfortunately, the wicked Puritan woman who had a messy auburn bun and blue eyes, had found both of them and brought them, Noah and Dahlia to the church.

In the center of the altar, piles of wood were being prepared for burning. What, the girls couldn't possibly know.

"Christabella, let them live!" Dahlia pleaded.

"You know damn well that she won't!" Noah growled. "They'll end up just like our daughters!"

Noah had been tied to a ladder back to back with Cybil who was just waking up and getting her bearings. Eventually Christabella had found out that Noah was the father, and she intended to kill him too to make their cult "pure".

"Your weakness led these souls to judgement. This time you will bear witness." Christabella said coldly to Dahlia.

"They're innocent!" Dahlia shot back.

"Look at them! They're the welts of your daughters. The demon! The demon fathered these disgusting abominations from her child!" Christabella yelled. The cult seemed to agree and jeered at the girls.

"NO, THEY'RE MINE!" Dahlia screamed. But it was in vain. She was knocked unconscious by a young woman.

"Sharon! Girls, look at me! Look at me. Don't be afraid." Cybil said comforting the squirming girls. "It's's okay. Your parents are comin'."

"Gabby, don't you dare look at this, okay? You too, Sharon." Noah said from where he was.

He knew it was the end for him. And seeing Alessa burn 30 years ago was heartbreaking and terrible. But he knew he would die knowing that Angela and Alessa would pay Christabella back with real karma.

"Once again, we are called upon to restore innocence. We burn the father of the demon, and this witch! We vanquish evil!"Christabella announced to the congregation.

"No. No, you can't. You can't! Don't let her say this, no! NO!" Cybil protested.

"We burn the children! We FIGHT THE DEMON!" Christabella yelled.

Gabby shrieked in terror and tried to get away. Sharon hyperventilated.



"Those who aide the demon, they must be cleansed by the fire from whence they came!" Christabella ignored the two and addressed the congregation.

They all cheered as the bundle of wood was lit. The ladder with Cybil and Noah tied on either side went down, down, down to the extreme heat of the fire and the suffocating smoke.

"You're in your own hell." Cybil rasped. " with me..."

Noah didn't say a word as the heat and the flames rose from Cybil's burning corpse and snaked their way towards him. He closed his eyes. The last thing he heard before his senses and his heart stopped...were the cheers of the congregation and the terrified screams of Sharon and Gabby.

THE TWO GILLESPIES: The Story of Alessa and AngelaWhere stories live. Discover now