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Gabby struggled to get out of the tight ropes and the ladder she was tied to. She and Sharon were back to back, just like Cybil and Noah were.

Speaking of Noah and Cybil, their burnt corpses were raised up, and now Christabella was preaching again.

"Here is where the apocalypse began. This is where we stop the annihilation of the world. We drew a line in the sand and said, 'DEMONS! You will not cross it!' But the demon is wicked, full of treachery. Yet again he comes to tempt us, in the guise of an innocent. To rid the world of this demon, WE MUST BURN THE CHILDREN!" Christabella glared at the girls.

The congregation roared their approval. Gabby screamed in terror. Sharon just struggled to break free. It all seemed hopeless. Until...



Two familiar voices snarled over the roar of the cult. Sharon and Gabby both turned and saw that their respective parents had come for them just in time.

"Mommy!" Sharon shouted in fear.

"Daddy!" Gabby sobbed in relief.

Stephen's heart melted at the sight of his baby and Rose's. Rose likewise.

"It's okay babies. Everything's gonna be okay!" Rose said to calm them.

Stephen looked across from where Sharon and Gabby were and gaped in horror at the sight. There, still tied to the ladder, charred and lifeless were the bodies of Cybil Bennett and Noah Gillespie. Rose looked too and she looked like she was about to sob.

"Oh my god...! Oh my God! What have you people done?!!" Rose cried out in reproach.

"What the hell?! You killed them!!" Stephen pointed at Christabella accusingly.

Christabella ignored their horror filled questions. "You have returned." She said.

"Yes, we have." Rose said.

"The Sorcerers have returned!" Christabella growled.

The congregation jeered as they came closer, anger in their eyes.

"And boy, you're in for a real karma treat, you conniving bitch!" Stephen snarled back as he punched one cult member away from him and Rose.

"Do not! Believe! Her lies!" Rose stated. "We come from a world outside this place! We come from a world full of life!"

Another cult member slapped Rose in the face. Stephen pushed him back roughly.

"Why don't you tell them the truth, or should we? You've denied it for so long! All of you have!" Stephen mocked. "There was no apocalypse!"

"You burned in the fire that you started, and nothing can save you, BECAUSE YOU'RE ALREADY DAMNED!" Rose shouted, prompting another cult member to punch her and Stephen to the ground.



Sharon could see what was going on. Gabby couldn't. She was facing the congregation in the choir loft and Sharon filled her in on what was happening.

"Take them! Burn them! Burn them as sorcerers!" Christabella snarled.

Stephen chuckled darkly as he wiped the blood from his face.

"Oh, I'm afraid you won't be burning anyone else now. Not even after the truth comes out, lady. That's your answer to everything, right? Burn anything you're scared of...burn anything you can't control." Stephen said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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