Peculiar logic

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Her eyes rounded, her lips paled even further as she hesitated to reach for the accessory.He lifted it away from her grasp, "I'm not going to give it to you unless you promise to talk to 


"Where did you find it?" she asked him a little louder than a whisper with her hoarse voice.

" That's not important, is this a deal or not?" he asked her, his expression smug to mask his 

uneasy heart.

"Tell me where you found it," she still talked in her quiet tone.

"You dropped it under your seat in class. You should be thankful I picked it up for you," he lied.

Riha took that moment to recall her memories. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember bringing the necklace outside of her room. let alone putting it in her bag and bringing it to school with her. She must've hallucinated because of her anger or something. Maybe she did need to see a psychiatrist.

"Give it to me!" she demanded with her weak tone trying to get a hold of it.

"You haven't made a promise yet," he hid it behind his back.

"I'm talking to you now," she needed to get it back from him.

Seungcheol raised his pinky finger.

"Not the pinky promise again, Seungcheol!"

"That's the only way I can make sure you will keep this promise."

"How old do you think I am?"

"I know you won't break a pinky promise no matter how old you will grow to be."

"Give me back my belonging!" she shouted, frustrated at their height difference.

"Seeing you throw your precious belonging away to avoid talking to me like this. It makes me doubt that we were ever friends." His heart ached seeing her act this way.

"Hey, asshole Seungcheol! What're you doing to her?" Jeonghan strode towards them.

"Jeonghannie, help!"

The face Riha made was spoke numbers to him. But it was the familiar shine of the object in the Seungcheol's hand that sent him flying.

"How much more of an asshole can you be? Give her back her necklace already," he demanded 

as he tried togetn it.

Meanwhile, the underhanded person's head flooded with different thoughts and observations. 

'Jeonghannie? Since when did she start calling him that? Did I miss a crucial step of our friendship? Why do I only remember her calling me Seungcheol and a bunch of insults?' Then he thought of what Hyorin let slip in the morning.

'...but I have a feeling it might be her childhood crush'. 'Was 'Jeonghannie' her childhood crush? Had she been drooling over that skanky guy this whole time?

Come to think of it, Jeonghan's been a manipulative asshole since they were kids. Of course he would've tricked her into thinking she likes him. She's too kind for her own good, and he's definitely trying to use her for his own gain.'

He decided that it was better for her to forget about Jeonghannie than to fall further into his 

trap. Even if it meant that she would hate him forever. He re-clutched his hand, retracted it from them and ran as fast as his legs could go.

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