Chapter 9

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 Ghost and Toast, now properly dressed, pulled up to the crime scene. They entered the house without a problem, and immediately went to the room of the crime scene. The two bodies had been stabbed repeatedly, and were almost completely destroyed. Ghost gagged when he remembered how many times he felt the soft give of flesh when Jimmy stabbed the bodies over and over.

Maloney nodded, looking a little green himself. The two paranormal investigators went for the bodies, scraping any demon ooze they can off the bodies, taking blood samples, etc.

After that was done, they went into the main room of the house to talk to Maloney.

"Listen, it's getting bad out there," the bird-officer said. "People are panicking, leaving there homes to escape the "murder man" as they call him. Some people who are investigating are actually encouraging them to do this, since we have literally no evidence this guy even exists other than the bodies he's leaving in his wake. We need a read on this guy, and soon,"

"Were working as hard as we can Maloney," Ghost tells him. "But this is our first demon case, and we have no idea on who this guy is,"

"Actually we do," Toast puts in, and the younger man gives his partner a surprised look. "We have the host's blood type, and if we can narrow it down a little more, we should be able to track him down."

"Him?" Asks the officer, and Toast realizes his mistake.

"It, sorry. But we have our suspicions on who the host is," the Brit fixed his mistake. "We can't prove anything, however."

"I don't care if you can't prove who it is, I want the suspects name's," Maloney interrupted. Toast gave his partner a look that the younger man couldn't interpret before taking out a folder and giving it to Maloney.

"These are the men and woman we think might be the hosts. You have everything you need to know in there," Toast looks at his feet while Maloney flips through the file.

"There's six police officers and you in here," Maloney said to Ghost. "I don't understand."

"Neither do I. Johnny, I think I'd know if I had a rampaging demon in my head." Ghost crossed his arms and gave a look to his partner.

But you do know! You just won't tell him! Jimmy said in a sing-song voice, and Ghost winced slightly.

Shut up, right now.

"That's just it sir, it's our first demon. We don't know anything about them! For all we know, you could be the host sir, and you wouldn't even know it. A- is your blood type, I'm just giving Officer Maloney all of the suspects," Toast said apologetically, but Ghost still gave him an injured look.

"But why just police officers and Johnny? There are plenty of people with A- as their blood type," Maloney asked, confused. Toast sighed and took out a piece of paper. Ghost recognized it as the same paper from yesterday, but now with another circle.

"You see, the first six murders occurred in a curved line," Toast pointed to the first six circles. "But I told my theory about the circling to you, your officers, and Johnny before the most recent attacks occurred. It was only after I told everyone, the pattern changed."

"What's the square?" Asked Maloney, and Toast let out another worried sigh.

"That's mine and Johnny's house," the older ghost hunter told him.

"But the attacks seem to be circling your house, I don't get it," Maloney said.

"Neither do we," Toast says, before Ghost, fed up with Jimmy's taunting, rubbed his forehead.

"I need some air," he told them, marching out of the house and leaning against the P.I.E van. With the police officers slowly trickling away, Ghost turned his head to glare at Jimmy, who was now visible. "You're going to get me imprisoned,"

"Maybe.. but I've found out it doesn't matter! I phase through walls now!" He giggled, reaching one pale, bloodstained hand towards Ghost's shoulder. "Want me to show you?"

The ghost hunter took a sidestep away from the demon. "Not in public," he said, looking away from Jimmy.

"But do you know what that means Ghostie?" Casket asked, an insane glint in his blood red eyes. "It doesn't matter if I go after your boyfriend now! Even if you turn yourself in, I'll get you out." The demon must have seen Ghost's look of horror, because he giggled again.

"You c-can't," the ghost hunter stammered. Jimmy suddenly darted forward, pinning his host against the van, hands on his shoulders.

"Oh yes I can Ghostie, and I will, just not yet," the demon chuckled, leaning in close before kneeing the ghost hunter in the stomach, sending him to the ground, coughing. "I want to make you suffer first, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

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Word count not including this author's note: 822

Yes I know this one is short but I really wanted to leave that cliffhanger. Also, over a hundred reads and almost 20 votes? I can't believe it! Thanks so much!

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