The Train.

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Before we start this is an inspiration from @Verkira888 book (sorry the tag won't work but yeah) so you go give her the credit for this books idea :)) 

Emeralds POV.

"its okay sweetie, he's gone," my mother said giving me a reassuring look. 

"But mama! I know dada! He come back soon!" Little me cried. My mother rubbed my back slowly.

That was years ago. I'm starting my first year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My father... His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle or as most known. Lord Voldemort. So far... He's not back... I waited on the train, my cloak hood covering my face. 

"Oh look, an emo!" I heard a drawling voice cackle. I just sighed angrily.

"Did I touch a nerve? Whoops!" They said cackling more. I got up and held my fist to his face. 

"Shut it." I growled. Instantly, I recognised those eyes, he was a Malfoy. 

"My father will hear about this!" He said angrily. 

"Who's that? Lucius Malfoy?" I asked, an evil hint in my voice. 

"What the heck?" Malfoy said.

"Hm, seems like the Malfoy is scared. I know your father," I said again, this aggravated Mafloy and I just laughed.

He stalked off. I huffily sat down again and made sure my hood was still up. I saw the one and only chosen one.

"Hi, what's your name?" He asked, he seemed happy even though he had dead parents. 

"Emerald. No need to ask yours." I said. I kept my head down, I didn't know whether Potter knew who I was.

"Can I see your face?" Potter asked. Then a red haired boy came into the compartment.

"Who's this?" He asked, he was holding a squirming rat. 

"Emerald. This is Ron!" Potter said. How is he excited? Whatever.

"Can we see your face?" Ron said. I groaned and pulled down my hood hoping they wouldn't recognise me. Ron gasped and I got worried.

"Your Emerald R---" Ron started.

"Shh!" I said and tugged my hood up again and growled pointing my wand at him threateni

Ron whimpered and didn't say anything. Luckily Harry didnt take notice, he was too busy staring  at a tap-dancing unicorn. I laughed genuinely.

Harry's Pov

She laughed, properly.

"S-So u-u-uh f-f-first y-year too E-E-Emerald?" Ron stuttered. Ooh! Maybe he likes her. Emerald nodded and yawned. She leaned her head against the window.

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