Welcome Shippers!

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Hey! The Batsy here! There is little to no femslash on wattpad. I thought we could change that. If you don't know, femslash is a female/female ship. This can include OT3s (female/female/female). Just as long as it's all girls! This challenge can include all fandoms! I may mainly work in the DC Comics fandom but every fanbase deserves the love! The main point of the Femslash week is to encourage more female pairings and, is supposed to be fun and entertaining! So for every day of the week, I have prompts. This includes the main prompt and the challenge. The main prompt will be first listed, the challenge second. None of these will be for one pairing specifically. The week is from December 17th-23rd 2017. Have fun guys!

Day 1: Beach Day// Hot Lifeguard

Day 2: 1940-1960s// Soldier AU

Day 3: High School AU// First Crush

Day 4: First Date// Police Officer and Criminal AU

Day 5: Soulmate AU// Spies AU

Day 6: Long Distance Relationship// Do it all in a texting format!

Day 7: Performer (Dancer, singer, etc)// Hurt-Comfort

I hope you guys have lots of fun with these prompts! I tried to make them open to every fandom! You can do whatever of the two prompts you want. Please tag your works with #femslashweek ! I will love reading them. I hope you guys enjoy writing! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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Femslash Week! 2017Where stories live. Discover now