Dean Blurbs

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Imagine Dean picking you up early from school because there's a hunting issue and he needs you there.

Imagine him walking up to some really strict teacher who wouldn't let you leave, looking at him dead in the eyes and asking most politely a badass like him could muster,

"Mr. (Teacher name), we are currently facing a family issue, and I would appreciate it if you could excuse (C/n) from her class today."

Imagine seeing every mean, preppy popular girl in your classes stop bullying you, and then the really uptight ones start inviting you to sit with them at lunch, and being extra nice to you in hopes of getting Dean's number.



Imagine losing a close person in your life. Maybe it was your best friend, maybe it was someone you wanted to marry one day (if you could get out of the hunting life. They could have been your beacon of hope that things like that could happen to people like you), and having the boys care for you through your time in need.

Imagine Dean taking you out for a drive after days of you shutting yourself in your room alone. That car ride turns into a mini road trip and at the end, you find yourselves near a quaint little house, where a tall, dark brown-haired boy parks his car, walks up the steps to the porch, unlocks the front door and goes inside.

"That's Ben," Dean says as if he was thinking fondly of memories from long ago, "and his mom is Lisa. To keep them safe I had them forget all traces of me, but they are still my reason why I keep doing what I do."

Imagine on the way back, with the sun setting behind you, Dean stops at some greasy spoon along the highway, grabs a few burgers and gets you guys a table outside. The cool summer blows around your face, but luckily you're wearing one of Dean's old flannels so you're warm enough to enjoy your meal.

Imagine Dean taking heaping bites out of his bacon cheeseburger like a four-year-old would a Happy Meal.

"I hope you know why I took you on this trip," he starts, swallowing the last bite of his bacon cheeseburger, "because I get what you're going through right now. I know it's tough (C/n), and I know at times you just want to quit. But if there's one thing I learned from this screwed-up life it's that we need to keep going; we need to keep moving because that's the only way we Winchesters survive."

Imagine heading back into the car and falling asleep on the way home, and Dean taking funny pictures of you as he pulls over every so often to take them.

Imagine Dean, despite being the toughest cookie who has seen things other people would shutter only to think about, being the best oldest brother in the world and not even knowing it.

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