Christmas Miracle

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It's been two years since the boys lost (C/N), and neither of them stopped blaming themselves for it. Out of all the things that had changed since her death, the holidays were probably the most drastic.

Christmas used to be something that brought joy to the bunker, but between Sam not wanting to celebrate and Dean getting teary-eyed at all the decorations that hung in the store windows in the stores close to the bunker the holidays just turned into something more solemn, and just a time for the Winchesters to continue doing what they do best; saving people and hunting things.

Throughout this time of sorrow, to say that Dean and Sam's change in attitude went unnoticed would be a lie as plain as the untouched snow that would fall outside. Castiel, who once enjoyed eating French Toast on Christmas morning and would smile at Dean's eye wrinkles as he would chuckle during gift exchanges was now to assume that Christmas would once again be just any other day where the brothers would go out and murder a nest of vampires or something else to burn off the steam grief brought them. This angered Castiel, as he knew that (C/n) was just as unhappy in heaven as the boys were on earth without her, and even though he has tried to help them both, particularly Dean move on from the tragedy of losing a baby sister to some monster (quite literally), he knew the task was downright impossible.

These were the reasons that led to him doing something he knew could get him into very deep trouble; something he knew he couldn't afford to mess up on the first try.


Dean's alarm rang him awake at 6:30 am, giving him just enough time to shower, get dressed and eat some a bowl of dry cereal by 8 o'clock. He went downstairs to see Sam, still in his clothes from the day before sitting at the table scrolling through some webpage with maps and numbers that seemed sprawled about at random.

Dude, you should have gotten some sleep.

"There's a nest a few hours out, if we leave soon then we'll be sooner." Sam said, grabbing his coat from the back of his chair, pulling it over his shoulders and feeding his arms through the sleeves, "Let's get this done with."

Dean simply nodded his head, getting his own jacket to put on, and shuffled his shoes on at the doormat. They were slightly cold and soggy from yesterday's hunt, but Dean decided it was nothing to complain about. He turned to open the door but when he did he was greeted with a sharp, cold gust of wind, that sent him stepping back and closing his eyes. Even though it was imminent that the vampire nest would have to wait until another day Dean was determined to get into his car and drive off, silver bullets, dagger and all.

The weather seemed to know this, as with every ounce of determination Dean thought to himself the wind seemed to get cold, and it took him a little while until he finally gave up, and had Sam help him close the door. He took off his shoes and angrily made his way into the living room, to maybe turn on the TV and watch something, literally anything airing, that wasn't the least bit Christmassy, but found himself in awe to see an amazing Christmas tree, with decorations of all shapes and sizes hanging off the branches. Underneath were presents wrapped in different coloured papers, and from the kitchen he could smell his french toast sitting on the table.

He ran back to Sam, to tell him what he had seen (and to ask if he had gone crazy or not). He was at a complete loss for words, and his mind was running a full-on marathon.




And as if he couldn't be any more confused he heard a soft knock on the door. It was obvious that Sam was confused since he didn't see anybody outside when the door was open mere moments ago. They both looked at each other with a mixture of confusion, fear, and above all excitement, they opened the door to see none other than Castiel, standing uncomfortably still in a clear as crystal day and staring at both Sam and Dean with a guilty but eager look on his face.

"Cas, did you just poof a Christmas tree in the bunker?" Dean asked, sounding quite annoyed but curious.

"Wait, what? There's a Christmas tree in-" Sam was confused, having not been in the living room yet.

"Never mind that," Castiel tried to wave the situation off, rushing his words a little too quickly in anticipation, "I just thought that (C/n) would want you two to have a family Christmas, with or without her."

"Now what would give you that idea?"

"Because I told him."

Both Winchesters seemed to freeze at the sudden voice that spoke behind Castiel, who shifted himself to reveal (C/n), who beamed brightly at her older brothers. Her eyes twinkled back to life, at least that's how it seemed to Dean after he saw their light fade away when she breathed her last breath. Her hair was brushed, her face was clean and she donned the tackiest Christmas sweater imaginable.

"Cas thought this one was funniest, so I bought it. It's a little itch-"

Sam instantly scooped her into his arms and spun around as Dean stared on in disbelief. How was this possible? How could something so great happen to someone who has seen and done so wrong?

"Don't worry Dean, I have all of me here."

Sam let her down so she could hug Dean, who quickly hugged her back (he was also crying, but was too shocked to notice, let alone care). "You're back, (C/n) you're back!!"

"I know, now did you make French toast or did Cas have to do that too?"

"It's in the kitchen, you hungry?"

"I've been dead for two years Dean, earth me is starving!"

"I'm hungry too, let's eat some actual breakfast!" said Sam, as the two left for that delicious smell wafting from the kitchen. Cas and Dean are alone by the door.

"You brought my sister back?" He asked, still trying to shake out of his disbelief.

"I negotiated with some individuals who have powers I cannot fathom, and they decided it would be better for her to have a second chance."

"So Chuck?"

"Yes, Chuck brought (C/n) back."

"Cas, you really did Sam and I a solid there."

"Well, I-"

"Thank you." Dean cut Cas off in the most earnest hug he had ever given. "Thank you for bringing my baby sister back."

With that, the two followed Sam and (C/n), who were both stuffing their faces and telling jokes. For Dean, this was his most memorable Christmas ever, even though they started a little late.

DAY LATE TO PUBLISH I KNOW I'M SO SORRY!!! I am on boxing day hurrying to get the last few paragraphs done...

Yeah, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and please please please continue to have a safe and fun holiday break if you're on one. I will be editing my specials ASAP, so stay tuned for that as well.

Sending love, wishes, and virtual hugs,

- WriteSomethingFun

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