Chapter 1 : Memories are bitter

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Tetsu pov

"Tetsu,wake up!" that voice seems so familiar yet I still can't remember."Tetsu,wake up sleepyhead." now I remember it's father or the man that raised me a man I look up to the man I hate. The smile he gave made my stomach churn before it didn't ,but now."Tetsu what's wrong do you have a fever?"
I know it's a dream he's dead right no I wish he was but I can't speak I know what happens so bring it on stop treating this dream no this nightmare with these memories."No, just stop nothings wrong." I spoke I can but it never happened before "Tetsu I'll protect you so you can cry, hate, or
scream I will protect you from any nightmares alright." That smile I hate it but it makes me calm down when I'm angry or sad made me smile when I got a huge cut on my hand he put ointment on it kissed it and smiled."Thank you Kana no f-father." my eyes are watering but stinging and it won't stop why no matter what "Was that so hard?" father I'll remember that promise because I said I did but you hurt me so much I can't forgive you even if we aren't related by blood.  That I'll remember until my death "Hey Tetsu anyone can cry even the strongest does remember that but also promise me you will be the strongest of the strong." I do know that much I will remember that promise because I said I would "*rumble* Tetsu you hungry?" that smile again "Nope I can handle it unlike you Kana plus don't tell anyone I was crying alright." "Alright iron Lily." there's no such thing but it was a nickname he gave me I still want to use it thanks Kana.

Next thing I know my eyes open and a new day begins. "Tetsu!" so much for a peaceful morning. "Stop Fuka settle down right now!" okay she seemed to calm down a little "Tetsu this is super exciting!" and back to screaming okay. "Yuri is pregnant again!" this is exciting another to the litter well "I'm glad to hear she's happy children are a blessing somehow." "Tetsu have you been crying?" she could tell "When did you get so observing?" silence is awkward it runs faster than sake down someone's throat. "um Runs in my family speaking of family shouldn't you be married by now?" yeah right Fuka
"No, I don't have time to get married to anyone at my age I'm only 21 I'm in no hurry." "Oh okay master has his birthday tomorrow remember that yeah." oh I nearly forgot about that "Alright is that all." "Oh a man says he's looking for you do you know who he is?" "Not sure what did he say?" "'Tetsu child of the swordsmith and samurai Kana I have business with you' and that's all." "I'll go check it out." "Be careful alright." "I'll try but I can't promise." I smile as I walk into town.

It's surprisingly quiet for a crowd of people and merchants oh a black pearl it's beautiful since this is a harbor village it's not common for a black pearl to be here maybe someone dropped it well I should keep it for now or something like that "Tetsu darling how are you?" not him again another suitor I can't believe this Fuka you set me up didn't you "um you probably have me mixed with someonelse." "Edward stop bothering her." and another Appears "What do you both need if you're looking for the inn it's over there." now they'll know to leave. "No, not an inn but your heart amour." yep blond hair blue eyes foreigners they shouldn't even know me but one has white hair and red eyes surprising but strange for me."My name is Jack and this is Edward I apologize for his behavior towards you and it must be strange he knows your name you see people talked about a enchanting woman named Tetsu ever so beautiful they say but hard to capture." oh dear  not again "Listen they say I'm hard to get because I have no interest in marriage a contract between two people I don't have any concern for that contract." there I've said my words of mind "Stop miss Tetsu we we're the ones asking for you please wait." "Edward and Jack why do you ask for me I'm not an item or thing."
"I'm sorry madam Tetsu but me and my companion Jack would like to have a word with you please if you wouldn't dare mind." "Fine I'll speak at the inn tomorrow morning to you both since you're possibly checked in right." they're silent as Yuri when her children are sleeping "Yes,we shall rent a room till then dear Tetsu."

The Rest of thier meeting is in the next chapter until then and shout out to my friend Wolftail7471  play some rp and read the randoms I'll show what they look like in chap. 2
You'll probably meet Yuri soon also might be some errors please forgive me see you in the next chapter ~nya

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