chapter 2: a hopeful wind

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Tetsu's pov

As I promised the next morning I woke up and stormed out of the mansion and ended up wandering around the town to find which inn I pointed out why would they need to speak with me out of millions who knew Kana customers, friends,and possibly family they chose me I wish it wasn't I hate people I know nothing about them but I'm here already at the inn huh well I knew I should have checked my surroundings instead of wondering aimlessly I suppose I shouldn't just stand here I should hurry and go inside and I see the innkeeper "well well little iron Lily is here first thing in the morning what can I do for you." the innkeeper is always awake at this time I'm not surprised
at all. "No, I said I'd meet someone here at this time well they both are customers of yours." "Little iron Lily give me a name and I'll call them down for ya." well it couldn't be that bad to give him names would it. "iron Lily you would never let us call you that,Tetsu darling." and there's no need to tell him anyway they heard " Shut your mouth you hardly know me so why use that nickname." "Jack she's being scary again." even Edward could be scared huh amusing "I told you not to do anything to upset her well I'm sorry for not smacking him then and now." wow even Jack can be scary towards anyone "Well are these are the people that you had to meet with the foreigners?" "You make it sound like we're a disease that is so cruel Mr. Innkeeper." Edward says it so easily "Jack and Edward how about we all go to a dango shop its really good we can talk there instead okay." I hope they catch my drift before someone gets a black eye. "Yes, of course Jack you in I never tasted dango before." good Edward caught my drift but surprising he was the one who caught the drift though "Bye innkeeper." geez my mouth hurts even though I almost forgot to smile this always happens after I Kana left
Tetsu when are we going to be there it's boring walking around for no reason." "Edward it's good exercise right ,Jack." geez both of them are annoying but I'm okay with it for now before I nearly hurt them "Well we're here the best  dango shop I know and it's a fact." hmm it's closed today but it should be open "Seems like its closed I hate I got my hopes up for nothing." Edward keeps sighing this is the basics of my life plus today's important right.... Master's birthday dang it "I'm sorry I have to go something important is about to happen. "Wait Tetsu you said you'd let us speak about-!" "Another time I'm sorry." I began to run I never apologized in a long time it felt a little weird I was called a troubled child for not speaking when told not looking the least bit friendly and always starting fights until I met Yuri and Fuka they both taught me to smile and laugh Yuri taught me manners and Fuka taught me how to look presentable in front of others it felt nice really felt like I was apart of a family even I ended up thinking about memories until I got back to the 
estate I saw someone next to the master that made my blood boil.

Until we meet again next time in the next chapter I wonder who she saw I bet you can guess updates will try to happen more often see ya later ~nya

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