Chapter 4

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When I wake up I totally forgot what my plans were for today until I'm standing in front of my closet. I'm going to pewds today! What are the right clothes for such an occasion?

I guess I can wear my cute pink dress with a leather jacket? And of course my white converse All Stars. I look at myself in the mirror, it's okay. I know, I have many pairs of All Stars, but they're my favorite kind of shoes so if I have money I buy a new pair in a new color, so I have the right color for every outfit.

I put my hair in loose curls, just my normal hair. I nod approving and walk down the stairs. "Good morning." I say with a big smile on my face. "This guy makes you really happy huh?" My mother asks. "Yep." I say popping the 'p'. I eat my bread, I'm not that hungry but I need to eat something. "How late can I come over?" I text Felix.

"How about at 11?" I get back. "Allright, so what's your adress?" He texts me his adress and I write it on a paper. I look at the clock, it's 10. "Dad? Do you know how far this adress is?" I ask. My dad takes his navigator and types in the adress, it's 15 minutes away from here.

It lasts way too long until it's finally time. "Dad, mom, I'm going, see you later!" I yell to the small garden behind the house while I grab my jacket. It's time to go! The bus arrives right on time and I get in. This time there's another busdriver.

When we reach the stop where I have to be I smile to him and get out. Lets have a look at the adress, it should be right across here. I look at the building, he had his apartment here I guess, I look at the name signs. Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, he lives here. I push the button that's supposed to be a bell. After a couple seconds he answers. "Hey Audrey, the door's open, you can come up." He says. "Okay." I say and I open the door. There are a couple stairs that I have to walk up.

When I knock on his door he immediatly opens. "Hi, it's kind of a mess here, because I just moved back here, I only unpacked the most important stuff, which includes my computer and my camera you know?" He says nervous while scratching his neck. "Well, my room's always a mess, so I don't mind." I say with a big smile. Oh god, I'm so embarrassing.

"Do you want something to drink? A coke? Or some tea?" He asks. "A coke sounds nice." I reply. "Okay, then I'm gonna fix us some cokes, I'll be right back." He says while walking to the kitchen.

I sit on a couch and look around the room, it's full of boxes and games. I see the corner where he records, there is a big computer with a camera and a microphone. His regular headset is there too. I guess he moved back to his old apartment. Because this doesn't look like his parents' house.

He walks in with the drink and sits next to me. "Here you are." He says while handing over my drink. "Thanks." I say while I take a sip from my drink. "I can't believe it, I mean, I can't believe I'm sitting here. It's like a dream coming true." I sigh.

"It's really great you wanted to come, I wasn't sure if your parents would be okay with it, I mean, I'm some guy you know from his videos." He says. "Well, they didn't want it at first, but I convinced them. Told them you are a good guy and stuff like that." I say. "I mean, I know you're a good guy, but they don't watch your video's and stuff like that."

"Well, I'm glad you think so, and your parents too of course, shall we begin?" He asks. "Allright! But which game are we going to play?" I ask.

"I was thinking about some prophunt, you know, with some random people." He says. "Sounds fun!" I say. God, I love that game, it's really funny, I once saw him play it with the guys from Smosh, too funny!

We settle down behind his computer and he makes everything ready, the microphone is in the middle so we can both be heard. I'm visible too. God, I'm a bit nervous, I mean, millions of people watch his video's, and I'm going to be in one. I know it's very awesome, but still a bit nervewrecking. "Ready for it?" He asks. "I guess so." I say.

"He starts his camera and gives it a weird stare. "How's it going bro's? My name is PewDiePie, and I want to introduce you to my friend over here." Oh my god, he calls me his friend. "Introduce yourself friend." He says.

I blush a bit. I take a deep breath and start talking. "Well, I'm Audrey and I'm from London." I say with a big smile. "Audrey and I are gonna play some Prophunt today, with our friend Ken and Cry!" He says. He opens a Skype conversation with Ken and Cry and makes the game ready. "Hey, guys!" Cry says. "Hi!" Me and Felix reply. "So, nice to meet you Audrey." Cry says.

"Yeah nice to meet you." Ken says too. "Nice to meet you guys too." I say. This is seriously the best day of my life. The game started and we decided to team up. Me and Felix in one team and Cry and Ken in the other. This is going to be fun! We are the first ones to hide, I am a bottle and Felix is a watermelon. I burst out laughing when Ken and Cry arrive and Felix starts running past them, leaving them stunned. I mean, you don't see a watermelon running past you everyday. But unfortunatly they find him and kill him. Now I'm left. "Don't show them where you are Senpai." He yells. "I'm trying, I'm trying." I say laughing.

But eventually they found me and I'm dead too. We play a couple more rounds and we win in the end. "Brofist!" Felix yells and we brofist. "Oh, I'm sorry bro's but we gotta end this video here, you got something to say to the bro's Audrey?" He asks me. Now I remember we were recording the whole time. It's weird how you cam forget that so easily when you're having fun. It felt so natural to me. "Yeah, it was so nice to do this, stay awesome Bro's!" I say. He turns off the camera and we talk some about the video.

"I really had fun doing this." I say with a big smile. "That's great! You are really talented, you should start making videos too!" Felix says. "No, I'm way too shy to do things like that." I say blushing. "But thanks for the compliment."

"No problem, but maybe you should just try it sometime. What shall we do next? Get some icecream?" He asks. "Sounds good to me!" I say. We walk down the road to a small icecream shop. I choose one with strawberry and lemon, when I'm about to pay Felix steps in front of me. "This one's from me." He says. "Oh thanks." I say with a big smile. I'm smiling so much today! We slowly walk back to his apartment. It is nice to talk to him in person. He is a really nice person and very funny. It's such a shame he and Marzia broke up.

"Want to play another game?" He says when we reach the front door of his apartment. "Of course, I'm always in for a game." I reply. "Great! What about a horror game?" He asks. "Sounds lovely." I say. I'm not that scared of horrorgames, well, sometimes not.

We play a new demo of a horrorgame that's not out yet. A gamemaker sent it to him so he was the first to try it and give his opinion. It's a really creepy game, and it has many junpscares. It's really funny because Felix starts to swear in Swedish when he's scared.

After a afternoon full of playing games it's time for me to head home. "It was really nice of you to do this, but why me?" I ask. I've been asking myself this and I was very curious. "You seemed like a very nice person, and it was refreshing to see a bro that wasn't forcing herself up on me, or kept asking about me and Marzia." He says shrugging.

"Okay, um, sorry that I ask but, are you okay? I mean, I get it if you don't want to talk about it, but yeah I don't know." I say stuttering a bit. "Don't worry, it's okay, well I'm fine, I mean, we didn't break up in a fight. We both thought this was the best. And I must say, it's good to not pretend like it's going to be perfect between us anymore." He says.

"Okay, well that's great I guess? But it's really time to go for me now." I say smiling a bit. "I hope I can see you some more?" He asks a bit stuttering. "Sure, I guess." I say blushing now. Am I becoming friends with him? That's awesome! We greet each other and I walk back to the bus stop, this day was amazing! Still in a kind of dreamworld I get in and stare out the window. I have a feeling this vacation is going to be amazing!

A Bromance {A PewDiePie story}Where stories live. Discover now