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"And you'll find, that a small band soldiers is a small price for protection," The young leader of Garnet Clan cooed, in shaky Tsyran. Amai frowned,
"You seem rather convinced that Ruby Clan needs protection," the rose haired leader countered, "I can assure you that we're perfectly capable of protecting ourselves." Amai had already figured that Levi--the young leader in front of her--would want more than a 'small band of soldiers'. At the worst, the young leader would not even give Amai any sort of control to what was done with her warriors.
"Oh really?" Levi raised an eyebrow, "I've heard--"
"Where are your sources for 'hearing' these things about us?" Amai interrupted. Levi only shrugged.
"My offer still stands. I'm sure both Sapphire and Emerald Clan would love for you to join us."
How the hell did she get Emerald Clan in on this? That clan has no passages and responds to no letters. As much as Amai was curious, she did not let her face show it.
"Well I'm sorry to disappoint them. I would like to politely decline your offer of alliance." she deadpanned, crossing her arms over the table.
Levi automatically frowned. "I do not seem to underst--"
"Ruby Clan is already protected enough. You haven't revealed any sort of motivation to what you would even do with my warriors. And even if we did need your protection, we wouldn't want to give up soldiers for less soldiers."
"Who ever said that you would get less?"
"You're young, Levi, the previous leader of your clan has just retired, and you're already trying to make deals instead of repair your clan from the loss. I suggest that you get your priorities in line before talking to me about alliances."
This gave Levi an angry expression, but she at least knew better than to try and threaten Amai in her own territory. The other three people in the room all seemed to glance between the leaders. Galen, Amai's second, Bow, the head of the village guard, and Levi's second.
Levi rested--a better word being thumped--her hand on the oak table, causing both Galen and Bow to instinctively flinch. "Fine then." Levi huffed, "I shall take my leave, you seem to have a hard time seeing my side of the picture, so I have no reason to try and convince you further."
"It would be easier to understand where you're coming from if I knew where you're getting your information from." Amai propped her head up with her fist. Levi didn't bother to respond, and only walked out of the dim building into the late night, her second trailing behind.
Amai felt Galen and Bow's gaze fall to her. Amai sighed, "Bow, make sure they make it out of the territory without a hassle. Galen go with him."
The two men nodded and followed the foreign pair out of the building. Amai buried her face in her palms, and slipped off the silver and Ruby headdress she had to wear to these things. Though, this was the least productive meeting she had ever been to in her four years of being leader.

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