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I put the rim of the bottle at my lips before taking a large swig. Andy drank his whiskey mixed with bourbon slowly savoring the taste. I pull the bottle away and softly hum the song playing. Andy grabbed my hand once again and pulled me close to where I was pressed against his chest. I look up at him confused. "What is it?" I look around. "I don't like the way those guys are looking at you." He whispered as his hand made its way to my ass once again. I nuzzle my head into Andy's neck the bottle in hand as I stay close. Andy kissed the top of my head before he drank his liquor again glaring at anyone that was staring at me. 

"Andy come here!" Jake yelled as a circle surrounded a drunk Ashley. Andy looked at me and sighed softly before he kissed me. "I'll be back." Andy muttered as he let me go and walked over to the guys. "What happened?" Andy asked. "The usual, Ashley got too drunk and passed out." Jake responded as he looked down at Ashley. Andy groaned softly and picked Ashley up off the floor. Surprisingly he was strong enough to pick Ashley up over his shoulder. The guys disappeared into the crowd and were nowhere to be seen. I look around feeling eyes watching my every move. I take a large swig from the bottle once again the set it down as I walked off heading for the exit. 

"Where you going, baby?" A voice asked from behind me as hands grabbed my waist. I pull away only to have my back pressed against the door blocking my exit. "C'mon, I just want to have some fun," He smirked and slammed his hand against the door by my head. "Plus you seem like a good fuck." He said as his smirk became wider. "Dude, fuck off." I spat in his face making him mad. I look at his wrist that's by my head and see the tattoo. Oh fuck... it's Fang. My heart began to race as I panic. "Now, I think that earned you a beating. Don't you, kitten?" Fang asked as his face inched closer to mine. I shake my head as my body began to tremble. He smirked at me. "If you don't want that beating then I suggest you give in to this." Fang said as he leaned in and kissed me roughly forcefully shoving his tongue in my mouth. I let Fang kiss me begging for help with my body. 

Fang put his hand on my breast kissing me more his force hurting me. I don't find any of this enjoyable... it hurts. Fang kept kissing me his tongue exploring my mouth as he moved his hand and trailed it down my stomach and into my shorts touching me. I whimper hating his hands and his touch. Fang smirked against my lips as he touched me roughly not being gentle as he tried slipping his hand into my panties. I panic and bite Fang's tongue making him pull back. I made him bleed... I kick Fang in his crotch and ran out the house looking around. Holy shit it's dark. I look around and Andy's car was nowhere to be seen. Where is he?

I look behind me and see that Fang was following me. My eyes widen as I turn around and ran away running as far as I could. Fang walked at a fast pace keeping me in his gaze. I continue to run as fast as my feet could carry me until I was sure I lost him. I stop running and sigh as I catch my breath my legs shaking as I look around for any sign of Andy. My breathing was heavy as I stood at the end of the street only a block away from home. I start to walk trying to catch my breath when a hand covered my mouth and I was being forced into a car. My screams were muffled but I quickly elbowed my attacker in the rib causing him to let go. I turn around and see Fang hunched over. I grab his shoulders and knee him hard in the face making his nose bleed. "You bitch." Fang groaned as he stood up. I look up at Fang and finally snap. I punch Fang in the face hard my ring cutting his face. "Fuck you." I growl before I kicked Fang in the jaw and ran again. 

Fang was on the floor rubbing his jaw as he wiped his blood on the sleeve of his shirt trying to get the strength to run after me. I run faster than I thought I could until I finally get home Andy's car was in the driveway. I sigh content as I run into the gate and feels relieved when the gate closed behind me. I run into the house seeing Andy on the couch his head tilted back. I run upstairs as the door slammed behind me. I look in the mirror and see a cut on my cheek where I pulled away from Fang and sigh softly.

 What the hell is wrong with him? He's never acted like this he was always so calm and loving towards me... he loved me, he protected me, and he never let anyone hurt me. Now he's the one hurting me. I need to know why. I want to know why. Why did you change Fang? Who or what hurt you. Was it me? Did I hurt you? Did she hurt you? I need to know I want to know. Fang, I have to save you from yourself. You became the person you hated most... Your father. I put my head down and clench my fist feeling myself start to cry as I remember everything from our childhood. How bad his dad treated him and how I could never save him from that pain and how the two women he was supposed to depend on the most abandoned him just when he needed them the most... And I was one of them.

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