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jihee pov

"good morning!" i greeted all of them brightly and looking at each and every single one of them. wow, they are in black suits, they look amazingly attractive. "oh my god, yall look different!" i exclaimed, seeing a different side of them. soon enough, their cheeks got red and chuckled.

"alright, i got to go now. stay safe and see you!" i bid them goodbye as i started my walk to the school. "come home straight after dance!" i heard jaehwan shouted, causing me to chuckle.

3rd pov

"i hope no one has any objections with jihee staying with us, she need to be protected. you know how aggresive they can be. jinyoung, woojin and jihoon, its your job to protect her in school." minhyun said in a stern voice.

"oh shit." jaehwan and daehwi said at the same time. "some members of that clan is in their school, jisung hyung!" jaehwan exclaimed. all of them frowned and walked up to them.

"who?" jihoon asked. "we dont know, thats why." daehwi said, worried shown in his face.

"perhaps, are you able to see what club and level are they in?" jisung asked. "give us a moment." jaehwan said, eyes not leaving the computer screen. "they are all 99' not sure how true it is though." jaehwan said, staring at woojin and jihoon.

"dang, our school is filled with mafia members." jinyoung smirked. "i  think it's best to let them know she has us. just, dont ever let her be alone in school without any of you three in sight." sungwoon said, tapping his pen on his chin.

"there are a number of members of our clan are in there too." woojin nodded. 

wanna one is just part of 101, pronounced as one zero one.  

"we will alight the 4 of you behind the school." seongwoo said while smiling brightly.

little did they know ..

"jihee is a slut!!"

"jihee seen boarding van with our school kingkas?!"

"flirting 101: song ji hee"

once jihee entered the school, papers of these titles were pasted around the school. everyone was staring at her, mocking her. no doubt, everyone has seen it.

"what the fuck?" she mumbled and she furiously tore down all the papers she seen, koeun helping her.

"who the hell did these oh my god. why are they even like this. its okay jihee, they are just jealous you three are friends. dont be affected by these mean comments alright? if not, i can report ..." 

"lets go throw them away and head back to class!" jihee smiled and grabbed koeun's hand, heading back to class. koeun frowned. . 

jihee sure was uncomfortable with all those stares, not the type of stares she receives while performing but those despise stares from others. but she knows, she cant show her weakness because thats what the culprit or culprits want from her.


"so did you do it with woojin or jihoon or jinyoung?" taehee said in her high-pitched voice, nudging jihee. it was recess but jihee stayed in class. with this happening, she is too insecure to go into large crowds. jihee rolled her eyes and turned up her music volume, blocking out all noises. 

jihee has full of insecurities and the only time she has confidence, its on stage. she is insecure of her height, her looks etc. she cant stand being alone in large crowds too, she was scared people will call her "loner".

however, she is quite popular in school. many want to be her friends, suck up to her due to her beauty and dance ability and personality. she only has koeun as her true friend. "yah! i am talking to you." taehee pulled out jihee's earbuds. "are you that naive and dumb to believe the rumour?" she chuckled and continued her revision. 

"oh wow, what does that suppose to mean?" she clutched her chest dramatically. jihee sighed, "dumb" she mumbled and left the classroom. 

thank god, dance club was just fine. everyone is family here and of course, everyone believes jihee isnt that type of girl, or so she thought. "alright, one last time. we are gonna record this yea." she shouted as she started the music. 

after a long day of staying in school, its finally time to head home. "oh shit, how do i go home from here? what bus do i take?" jihee started panicking as she fished out her phone, preparing to call jihoon. unfortunately, her phone died. "ugh whatever, i am just going to figure out the way back myself." she mumbled in annoyance.

she put on her earpiece and walked out of school, trying to remember whatever she saw while she was on her way to school. 

"she is not replying!!" jihoon said worrying about jihee. jihoon had texted her to wait for them in school as they will fetch her. however, she was nowhere to be seen. "she dont even know how to go back from here." daehwi bite his finger and frowned. "don't worry, she is smart. hyung, drive slowly back home, the route similar to the one you drove us this morning." woojin said calmly. 

seongwoo nodded and detoured. "HYUNG!" guanlin shrieked, "753's van!!" everyone frowned, why is 753's van around this area? "its jihee in front!" jaehwan shouted. seongwoo swallowed the whole situation quickly and immediately detoured again, taking the short cut which would reach jihee before 753 would and without them knowing. 

"what the helllll!!"  jihee shouted as someone grabbed her from her shoulder and pulled her back. she was so ready to fight but "oh, its you all! thank god for answering to my prayer." jihee said dramatically while all of them chuckled.

"you almost -" minhyun hit jaehwan, stopping him from completing his sentence. jihee rose one of her eyebrow but decided to shrug it off. "oh god, the van smells like smoke and beer." jihee pinched her nose, frowning. 

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