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The sleek black car bounced as it rumbled over multiple pot-holes. The tall boy violently shaking in his seat as an aftermath. His eyes were glued to the window gazing at the building zooming by at an inhuman pace.

Chanyeol's fingers found the window's operating button as it slid down an inch and the cool morning air whispered against his cheek. He closed his eyes, forgetting the world and his worries for a moment feeling the wind against his cheeks. His eyes flew open and he inhaled deeply with a sigh.

He had yet again stayed up late that night. After getting home and finally checking his phone, he realized he missed several phone calls from a certain male. Chanyeol was torn. A part of him wanted to skip school and rush over to the Byun's household to check on the brunette and another wanted to stay home and try contacting the boy.

In Chanyeol's mind, both ideas were flawed and would only backfire.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he fished it out, swiping the screen to open the message he just received. The boy's eyes widened at the unsuspecting text. Baekhyun had just texted him. Baekhyun was okay, he wasn't hurt; All of Chanyeol's doubts and worries vanished instantly.

The driver noticed the change in atmosphere and questioned him through the rearview mirror, "Mr. Chanyeol, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just," he stuttered, "Just- Can we go any faster?" The man gave Chanyeol a questioning look causing him to yell at his driver to step on it.

The same time Chanyeol had pulled into school grounds, Baekhyun was just getting out his car waving to his driver before heading to the front of the building. He had spotted the brunette instantly and without thinking he opened the door to the moving car and rushed out, ignoring the shouts of his driver.

Baekhyun's feet drag up the stairs, unsuspecting to the taller male who was dashing towards him. He felt a burning stare and paused to turn around to scan the crowd. His eyes settled on the figure running in his direction and Baekhyun realized it was the very person his heart ached for.

His feet acted on their own, flying down the stairs as a face splitting grin crept onto his lips. Soon enough Baekhyun found himself running towards Chanyeol with wide arms.

The wind slapped against his face when the two collided together. Chanyeol's arms wrapped around Baekhyun's small frame as he sobbed against the taller, his grip tightening.

"I missed you," Baekhyun hiccuped, "I'm so sorry for not calling you, I tried but-"

"Shh, it's okay Baek. You're fine, we're fine." Chanyeol's husky voice sent tremors down his spine as his heart clenched. I'm so sorry, Chanyeol. Baekhyun buried his face in the taller's chest.

His loud sobs gathered a small crowd around them as students murmured to themselves. They had all known something was wrong by the way the usual cheerful and perky brunette was crying into his lover's embrace. From the way Baekhyun hadn't come to school the previous day - which was unlike him - and Chanyeol's personality change, the students put two and two together and realized something was off about the campus couple.

Baekhyun broke the hug before leaning on his toes, crushing their mouths together. Chanyeol responded to the kiss and cupped the back of his neck, sighing into the much needed kiss. After days of emotional distress, they had finally relaxed and their stress vanished momentarily.

The shorter of the two melted in the arms of his love. His mind was at peace: he was where he needed to be, in the arms of his lover, safe and warm. A thought lingered in the back of Baekhyun's mind, knowing that his driver had not left the school ground yet and was watched them. He knew his parents would hear about this, but he really didn't care. Not right now.

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