Chapter One

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Episode One :

We Are The Champions

Location: John Quincy Laboratory

Year : Present

Lab emergency lights blared red. Screams filled the air over the sirens as she ripped through whoever stepped in her path. As blood painted the walls by there soiled guts from years of blind rage at being a prisoner. She was finally set free and she wanted there blood.

His blood.

Crackling a laughter at the last mangled and dismembered body. She formed into her true sickly green form out of a smaller girl deteriorating into thin air.

Location: Abigail High School

"Big game today."

Vanessa Carmichael cooed, letting her fingers roam up and down her boyfriends chest.

Zay Babineaux, grinned widely at the words and actions of his girlfriend . A girl that one would even say was his future wife from how many times he told the student body that she was. Leaning forward, he invaded her space causing her back to thump softly against the locker behind her. Hearing the noise, Zay gave her a charming smirk.

"Cheer the loudest for me baby?" Zay practically purred, his brown eyes burning into her amber.

As she nodded, Zay grinned winningly, kissing her loudly on the lips. Being together since the second grade and now Juniors in high school. He loved her and vice versa. Hell, even the whole school knew he loved her  and everyone rooted them on. Which was why he wasn't the least bit shy parting her lips with his tongue in the middle of the hallway uncaring who saw.

"Um, really? Right here? The middle of the hall? In front of my poor locker?"

Lucas Friar spoke as he arrived to get his belongings for fifth period.

With out breaking the stride, Zay held up a finger silently telling his best friend to give him a moment.

Rolling his own eyes, Lucas slightly moved the two and without breaking, the two moved. Lucas watched them briefly with slight disgust. Every period they did this in front of his locker. Well, they did it everywhere, desk, car, and house but still, his locker! Shaking his head, he grumbled turning back to his locker putting his combo in.

"I know what you're thinking," Zay suddenly said causing Lucas to look over. Vanessa was now leaving and Zay was looking after her smug. "How can I be as cool as Zay?"

Lucas paused to stare at his questionable friend sending him a hard glare.

That was far from what he was thinking.


Zay asked innocently under Lucas's heavy glare. With an annoyed sighed, Lucas slammed his locker shut loudly causing Zay to flinch.

"I told you before Zay, I don't need a girlfriend. I have football."

"How do you not need a girlfriend Friar?" Zay asked as if Lucas just spewed out bullshit, which to him, it was "Thats like saying you don't need an arm, or a leg, or a peni-"

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