Meeting him - Jay

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You were standing in Ninjago City's arcade, playing Time Pilot, an old timey arcade game. So far, you'd made it to 2nd place on the leaderboard. The only one stopping you from getting 1st was some person which was displayed on the leaderboard as J A Y. It read:

1st     JAY

2nd     (Your initials/name) (remember, it only allows 3 letters) 

3rd     BOB

4th    JIM

You went to the bathroom and took a break. When you came back, JAY had been put on 2nd place, with another JAY in 1st, which meant you'd been bumped down to 3rd. 

"Who is Jay anyway?" you muttered to yourself. 

"Hmm? I heard my name" asked a guy in a blue ninja gi. He wasn't just any guy, though. He was a cute guy. He had auburn hair, electric blue eyes, and a couple freckles. He was pretty cute. 

"Huh? Oh nothing, just wondering who'd beat me" you replied. 

"Well, that would be me! I'm Jay!" He said, holding his hand out. 

"I'm Y/n" you said, shaking his hand. 

"Well, I could give you some tips on it, if you want" Jay offered. 

"Sure, why not?" you accept. 

"Okay, so what you wanna do is..........." Jay explained. He spent about a half hour helping you, and eventually, you kicked BOB off the leaderboard! Hurray for Y/n! 

"Yeah! Nice job Y/n!" Jay exclaimed, high fiving you. 

"Thanks! I would be in 4th if it wasn't for you!" you said. 

"No problem Y/n" he replied. 

"Well, it's getting kinda late, I should get going" you said sadly. 

"Yeah, my brothers'll probably be expecting me" Jay replied.  

"M'kay, well, I'm just gonna go. It was nice meeting you though" you said. 

"Same here Y/n" Jay responded. 

"Here, in case of an emergency" Jay said with a wink, handing you an arcade ticket. 

"What?" you were puzzled. However, Jay had already left. On the backnog the ticket, was written

Hey Y/n! It was cool meeting you. Stay in touch, 

-Jay 😄

x (xxx) xx-xxxx

"Ya know,  I think I will" you muttered to no one in particular. 

Hi guys! Nothin to say but............


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