Hanging out - Cole

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As promised, Cole did eventually call you, and you'd set up a date (not real one of course) and he was taking you to the bakery he mentioned.

"Keep on hoping

We'll eat cake by the ocean"

Your phone blasted your favorite song, scaring the crap out if you.


"Oh jeez. Hello?" You answered the phone. It was Cole.

"Hey Y/n"

"What's up?"

"Um, I was wondering if, maybe you wanted to go to the bakery I mentioned the other day?"

"Oh. Sure!"

"Cool. I'll be at your house in 10"

"Ok, bye" you ended the call.

As promised, in 10 minutes, Cole was standing in your doorway.

"Hi Cole!" you greeted.

"Hey Y/n" he hugged you.

"Ready?" Cole asked

"Yup" you replied, closing the door.

He led you down the streets to a dainty, little bakery.

"I'll have a (favorite flavor) cake please" you walked up to the register. Cole ordered chocolate.

You guys ate happily until a certain someone in a green gi walked up.

"Hey Cole. This the famous Y/n? Your girlfr-" he was cut off by a guy in white.

"I apologize, my friend here loves to embarrass people" the guy apologized, pulling Greenie away.

"Who was that?" You asked, looking toward the colorful group of people.

"My team" Cole sighed.

"Team of...?"

"I'm a ninja, remember?" Cole smirked.

"Oh wipe that smirk off your face" you giggled.

"We'd better get going, it's getting kinda late..." Cole sighed, getting up.

"Yeah...my dad'll be expecting me" you groaned, following him.

"I'll walk you home...if ya want" Cole suggested, walking outside.

"Sure" you shrugged.

You two walked, side by side, until you reach the doorstep of your house.

"Bye Y/n, it was nice catching up with you" he smiled.

"Bye Cole. See ya around" you waved, turning around.

"Wait Y/n!" Cole tapped your shoulder, spinning you around.

"I was w-wondering if you'd maybe, consider going on a d-date. With me?" He blushed.

"I'd love to" you smiled, heading back inside.

Hi guys! It's been so long...I've been...busy? Anyway I hope you enjoyed it.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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