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Dms between Savannah and Kian

S: hi

K: oh umm hi

S: so why was dom tagging me in your comments

K: dom and jc thinks i like you but i just think you are beautiful

S: oh thank you

K: no problem Savannah

K: hey so you are in New York right now

S: ya i am

K: I'm going up there in a few months how is it there

S: it's nice i like it but it's kinda noisy tho

K: so is LA

S: i know i really don't want to go back home

K: oh so you are from LA

S: ya but i don't know I'm kinda tired of it

K: why is that

S: its lonely in LA. I mean ya i have all my friends there but i just don't feel 100% happy anymore

K: i get that completely. LA is the place where you are surrounded by people but can never feel whole i guess

S: ya it is

K: well Savannah i have to go but here is my number in case you ever want to talk XXX-XXX-XXXX

S: well thank you Kian

S: wait before you leave do you want to trade social medias

K: ya
Instagram- kianlawley
Snapchat- swifferme
Twitter- kianlawley
Twitter- Kian

S: thank you
Instagram- Savannah
Snapchat- Savannah
Twitter- Savannah
Twitter- vannah

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