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She had been held in this hell hole long enough. She couldn't take it anymore. Griggs was using her to get to him. It was torture for her and him. She blinked away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. She hadn't seen J in ages. She hadn't talked to him since a week after they got here. And that was nearly a year ago. The large doors to her dorm opened and she looked up to see Griggs walking over with a smug look on his face. Harley instantly knew what it meant. She backed away slowly knowing it wouldn't help the current situation. Griggs opened her cage door and threw her down onto the cold prison floor. Harley glared at the ground, she was too weak to try anything. She knew that if they'd starved her, they'd probably starved J to. She then saw Griggs place a haphazardly wrapped sandwich in front of her. She growled knowing what this was. It was an offering. If she touched it, she would instantly owe him. And when this happened- it was never fun for her. She chuckled and glanced up at Griggs. "You think I'm gonna eat this shit?" No fucking way. I know you. If I do much as look at it, you'll try something." Griggs laughed. "Well how about this then, if you do as I say I'll mess with the security footage and arrange for you to meet your 'puddin'".  Harley froze. It was a trick. It had to be. She looked away from the food. "I'm not hungry." As the words left her mouth she could feel her stomach churning. If she didn't eat she'd be sick. Griggs laughed. "Oh yeah? Your stomach tells me otherwise." He bent down to her level and shoved the food into her face. "Eat." He ordered. Harley smirked, she wasn't going to listen to his bullshit. Griggs growled before grabbing her arm and hauling her to her feet. He ordered one of the other guards to grab the sandwich and shoved her into a nearby wheelchair strapping her in. She laughed madly as he rolled her down a hallway grabbing a few bottles and tubes. Harley didn't even realize what was happening until the chair came to a sudden halt. She looked around her laughter ceasing. She froze as she locked eyes with J. Her breathing became labored. Something was happening. She thrashed around in the chair and hissed in pain as one of the guards taped a nose breather onto her face. She watched in silent horror as Griggs set the bottles on a tray. One reading Chocolate, the second vanilla, and the third strawberry. He laughed. "Now we've got three choices for you. You want chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?" Harley thrash d and screeched in pain as he started the machine. He began with the strawberry watching as it made its way through the tube and down into her stomach. Harley glanced out of the corner of her eye at J who had his back turned to her. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain as the paste made its way down her throats and into her stomach. She suddenly felt the urge to vomit as her stomach rejected the fluids. She screamed in pain as Griggs began to mess with the tubes switching from the now empty strawberry to vanilla. She thrashed trying to break free just so she could vomit. After several more hours, Griggs finally ran out of fluids and looked over at J victoriously. J glared back at him. Griggs then unrestrained Harley from the chair and kicked her towards J's cell. J watched emotionlessly as she was beaten. When Griggs finished, she lay in a puddle of her own blood and vomit. It made J sick to even look at it. "Don't forget hotness- you owe me now," Griggs laughed before walking out of the room. She looked up weakly and shook her head. "I can't take this anymore J- we need to get out." The Joker was silent as he refused to face her. Tears fled from her eyes. "J..." she choked, "please... just help me..." she reached out into one of the small holes used for oxygen. She squeezed her hand through and attempted to reach out to him. When he refused to face her she withdrew her hand choking on newfound tears of heartbreak. It wasn't her fault that they'd gotten into this mess, nor was it her fault that Griggs forced himself on her. She looked at the grimes prison floor knowing he wasn't looking at her because she was tainted. She had been tainted by another man. Even if it wasn't consented it still counted. Harley sniffles and pulled her knees up to her chest. She began to rock back and forth until she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turned to see J looking at her sympathetically. "We'll get out. I promise." He said. She smiled grimly and moved closer to his cell and intertwined her hand with his. She laid her head against the cell and closed her eyes. Maybe now she would be able to catch up on some much needed rest. "J..." she murmured. "Yeah?" He replied glancing over at her, "Do you love me?" She asked slightly afraid. He stared and nodded. "Of course I do, why?" He asked. She sniffed and squeezed his hand. "They hurt me real bad..." she whimpered. He looked at her, "what does this have to do with anything?" She squeezed his hand tighter- J thought he was going to have to amputate it- "Griggs... he- he and the other guards... they... they..." J rolled his eyes. "They did what? Just spit it out already Harl." She sniffed looking down. "They take turns on me..." she said softly. J was confused for a moment by what she meant- but when it hit him, he was furious. He pulled her up to the cell "you didn't stop them?!" He growled. She looked at him her eyes half shut. "They've starved me J...No food... no water... I'm too weak." J was furious and shoved her away from him. He watched as she unceremoniously fell limply to the filthy metal floor. He could hear something crack under the pressure of her weight. She blinked slowly and looked up at him. "I'm sorry I made you mad, puddin..." she whispered before fading out. J snorted then upon seeing her felt sympathetic. She would be dead in a matter of days. And she would have been if it hadn't been for a government visit.

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